Sentinel Return Thoughts


Anyone have thoughts on this from our stand point?

It appears to me that Novartis will be all but giving this away, in turn attempting to flood HW market with cheap doses of an old product direct. You know they'll try to pair it with their generic frontline (Parastar garbage), which is also direct sale. Why on earth is my Novartis rep texting me "great news" texts while all in all they are just trying to continue to screw me?

Am I missing something here, or do they just think we're stupid...

I think Sentinel will be big when it comes back. Just like with anything, keep selling core products and Merial and add this to the mix. If the doctor wants Sentinel, then we have it. If they don't we have other options.

I think Sentinel will be big when it comes back. Just like with anything, keep selling core products and Merial and add this to the mix. If the doctor wants Sentinel, then we have it. If they don't we have other options.

Why do you think it will be "big"? Seriously, what does it bring to the table that's not already in the market? Lufenuron? A cheap price tag? No flame, serious question

It will be big as you can now have a wide spectrum product for cheap price. Why would a client pay same for heartgard when they could have sentinel? 5 things versus 3 for same price.

Anyone have thoughts on this from our stand point?

It appears to me that Novartis will be all but giving this away, in turn attempting to flood HW market with cheap doses of an old product direct. You know they'll try to pair it with their generic frontline (Parastar garbage), which is also direct sale. Why on earth is my Novartis rep texting me "great news" texts while all in all they are just trying to continue to screw me?

Am I missing something here, or do they just think we're stupid...

Was it Novartis that signed an exclusive agreement with merial and wouldn't allow us to sell Parastar, oh yea we said no to them. Novartis has tried to offer it as core but your locked into bed with frontline, who's fault is that?

It will be big as you can now have a wide spectrum product for cheap price. Why would a client pay same for heartgard when they could have sentinel? 5 things versus 3 for same price.

Oh God, not this again. Do you know how foolish this makes you look when you go spouting this off to vets? Seriously, try looking at a label sometime. In reality, it's Heartgard: 6, Sentinel: 5 (and that's being generous considering Sentinel's sh!tty hookworm label).

The best part is, vets have realized that whips aren't nearly the problem you guys tried to make them out to be. I mean, nowhere near it.

My accounts are all excited and I think their clients will like the WAY less expensive option. We still get paid so what is the problem what product the Vets and clients choose. I think it will be easy money and may give us some leverage with Merial. The percentage we are getting from them now sucks compared to when they had more competition. I have many accounts who have been complaining that Trifexis is making too many dogs throw up and Revo sucks for fleas and internal parasites. There is a place for all of these products and as long as i can carry them what do I care?

Just thought I would agree with the gal that is retarded or lives out west. why not, and I actually do want my Vets to offer everything to their clients and let them choose. I am also a pet owner and would welcome a broad spectrum product that is not topical at the price of hgard

Stop calling Sentinel "broad spectrum" only controls (does not treat) one hookworm, it does not kill adult fleas and does nothing against ticks. hardly "broad spectrum". This is a desperate move by Novartis and I am not risking my Trifexis, Frontline/Heartgard business for them. I like my Novartis rep but this move is bad for the industry.

How is it bad, if it's the same price as heartgard? Keep your expensive Trifexis business and just sell the new sentinel to your heartgard accounts. It's not rocket science.

Hey Rocket Scientist, you think you are going to be able to keep your "expensive" Trifexis business with Sentinel priced the way it is? Good luck. Have your figured out also that if you sell Sentinel that it will also likely hurt you with your topical sales. Despite the fact Sentinel is a terrible flea product and has no tick claims it wil be positioned as an all iin one which will lead to reduced topical sales. Either way this is a loser and you don't need to be a "rocket scientist" to see that this will kill our commissions.

Seems pretty clear why you are all up in arms. It has NOTHING to do with best medicine, or what is best for the pet. You are worried about your commissions. Period.

The fact that everyone is so up in arms over this pretty much shows that this is a good move by Novartis.

There is plenty of room for everyone in the sand box. There sure are a lot of unprotected dogs out there. This new pricing structure just offers great medicine to even more pet owners. If they are happy with Trifexis, great! Can't see them switching.

Has anyone stopped to think what actually makes the clinic more money? What is more profitable to you and your company? Has anyone thought that maybe Novartis could be setting them selves up for failure in many ways? 1) price... I own a clinic good luck selling me! I would rather pay closer to the full price, for several reasons one if I buy it for $25 mark it up to $50 I only make $25 (we all know pet meds will have it soon so we will have to compete with them. Two I buy Trifexis for $35 sale it for $70-75 which do I NET more on...? Before someone corrects me on price I just made it up for argument sake... Those are my thoughts for some of you to chew on... However if a clinic want it take the order!!!

Has anyone stopped to think what actually makes the clinic more money? What is more profitable to you and your company? Has anyone thought that maybe Novartis could be setting them selves up for failure in many ways? 1) price... I own a clinic good luck selling me! I would rather pay closer to the full price, for several reasons one if I buy it for $25 mark it up to $50 I only make $25 (we all know pet meds will have it soon so we will have to compete with them. Two I buy Trifexis for $35 sale it for $70-75 which do I NET more on...? Before someone corrects me on price I just made it up for argument sake... Those are my thoughts for some of you to chew on... However if a clinic want it take the order!!!

^^^^^^^This man (or woman) gets it^^^^^^^ same applies to generics too, of course. Speaking of which, why aren't there any generics of Sentinel? No flame, serious question.

why we were selling Sentinel at $59 16 months ago. And now we are giving it away. Folks, we would be close to $66 too with 2 price increases we would have taken since our exit.
We are a sinking ship

Has anyone stopped to think what actually makes the clinic more money? What is more profitable to you and your company? Has anyone thought that maybe Novartis could be setting them selves up for failure in many ways? 1) price... I own a clinic good luck selling me! I would rather pay closer to the full price, for several reasons one if I buy it for $25 mark it up to $50 I only make $25 (we all know pet meds will have it soon so we will have to compete with them. Two I buy Trifexis for $35 sale it for $70-75 which do I NET more on...? Before someone corrects me on price I just made it up for argument sake... Those are my thoughts for some of you to chew on... However if a clinic want it take the order!!!

Hey're compliance on Trifexis is 6 months.....with Sentinel (before price reduction) it was best in industry at 9 months. That's 3 extra months of revenue....and oh by the way, its better for the know, the reason you got in this game? What happens to your revenue if you actually get 12 months? Could this free up money too for pet owner spend more money in other needed areas (i.e. - derm, dentals, blood work, etc...). Vets are dumb. They need to be told to put their underwear on.