Senior leadership updates?


Calls were made today for those in senior leadership but no updates went out and everyone has been quiet about it???? Does anyone have info on who was laid off or who changed roles?

It’s sad to keep everyone in such agony and increased anxiety. How do they expect us to get out and be positive and make calls when in reality some of us may be gone on Friday? Again, this is another prime example of poor leadership. They have played around with peoples’ emotions and make employees wait for days to make layoff announcements. Unnecessary stress. I had hoped we couldve all been treated as mature adults and been informed sooner than later. If leadership thinks sales teams are out selling like they want us to be they are sadly mistaken. Many are interviewing, looking for jobs, at the gym or doing minimal work due to the low morale this whole situation has created. I understand layoffs are needed but making people wait is a bit unnecessary. Good luck to everyone. It’s been a good ride for many years but I will gladly take my severance.