Senate Democraps Nix Obama's "Buffet Rule"


Sixty to invoke cloture. Dems should have had it going away.

Seven Dems voted against. One GOP voted for. They failed. So did you.

Lemme guess. They were MacAsskill, Nelson NE, Nelson FL, the guy that had the stroke in SD, Conrad MT, Manchin, WV, and Pryor AR. The repubic that voted for it was Scott Brown.

Sixty to invoke cloture. Dems should have had it going away.

Seven Dems voted against. One GOP voted for. They failed. So did you.

Careful folks. He just returned from a 2 week transatlantic trip that he squeezed into a 4 day trip (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) and all he's fired up again - LOL!

Sixty to invoke cloture. Dems should have had it going away.

Seven Dems voted against. One GOP voted for. They failed. So did you.

That trip abroad didn't make you any smarter. One dem voted against, one repubic voted for.
Why is simple things so hard for you to comprehend? Oh yeah, that pesky mensa thing.
Note the headline, REPUBLICANS reject Buffet Rule.
Learning to read can be beneficial.,0,3850124.story

That trip abroad didn't make you any smarter. One dem voted against, one repubic voted for.
Why is simple things so hard for you to comprehend? Oh yeah, that pesky mensa thing.
Note the headline, REPUBLICANS reject Buffet Rule.
Learning to read can be beneficial.,0,3850124.story

58 dems plus lieberman and brown. Should've been a cakewalk. Guess a few dems were no shows.LA times is wrong. Vote was 51-45.
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I'm still waiting for someone to tell me how this brainchild is any different than what spurned the AMT. Same class warfare BS used to try to deflect from real issues. There has been no repeal or real fix of the AMT, the other tax to catch those using loopholes (supposedly). Like the buffett rule, poorly thought through and with no real goal beyond political messaging.

I can always tell who those people are who are woefully ignorant of tax policy beyond the evening newsbites and the 1040EZ. They are the ones supporting this nonsense bill.

My bad. Forgot. 51 dems plus two indep plus brown. Been up a long time because of jet lag.
So 54 reliable dem votes.

Dems still had deserters. Plus NV's.

Jet lag had nothing to do with your FAIL!

Besides, you keep pushing this notion that Brown is a democrat. He is no more a dem as Pryor in AR is a repub.

Folks, we have yet another BB thread that shit the bed before it even got off the ground.

Jet lag had nothing to do with your FAIL!

Besides, you keep pushing this notion that Brown is a democrat. He is no more a dem as Pryor in AR is a repub.

Folks, we have yet another BB thread that shit the bed before it even got off the ground.

Brown announced ahead of time that he would vote with dems. He is a rino.

Would you like to start keeping score to see which one of us makes more mistakes?

At least mine are simply honest mistakes. Yours are intentional lies.

Brown announced ahead of time that he would vote with dems. He is a rino.

Would you like to start keeping score to see which one of us makes more mistakes?

At least mine are simply honest mistakes. Yours are intentional lies.

There hasn't been 58 dems in the senate since 2010, and this is not the first time you started a thread regarding a GOP filibustered Senate bill and labeled it as "Senate Dems reject Obama".

Now either you purposefully LIED or spent the last 2 years clueless on the senate make up.


There hasn't been 58 dems in the senate since 2010, and this is not the first time you started a thread regarding a GOP filibustered Senate bill and labeled it as "Senate Dems reject Obama".

Now either you purposefully LIED or spent the last 2 years clueless on the senate make up.

Brown announced ahead of time that he would vote with dems. He is a rino.

Would you like to start keeping score to see which one of us makes more mistakes?

At least mine are simply honest mistakes. Yours are intentional lies.

Brown announced ahead of time that he would vote with dems. He is a rino.

Would you like to start keeping score to see which one of us makes more mistakes?

At least mine are simply honest mistakes. Yours are intentional lies.

Quit while your behind.

My bad. Forgot. 51 dems plus two indep plus brown. Been up a long time because of jet lag.
So 54 reliable dem votes.

Dems still had deserters. Plus NV's.

Please learn to count. Dems had ONE deserter, but picked up ONE republican. No change in net vote count.
It must be true what other posters say about some conservatives being none too bright.