See what Greece is going through

Sadly, PH and Leo, you are both right. Now, if our Government would REALLY cut spending including cut out giving themselves all cushy raises and pensions. Then, they need to legalize pot, make assisted suicide also legal for the terminally ill, get out of the business of healthcare, put caps on insurance claim judgements, put caps on CEO/C-Suite bonuses and income, tax the super rich and give the middle class a break, make it mandatory that ALL PA/MA recipients are on BC and all Food stamp recipients cannot buy junk food or alcohol, invest in infrastructure including solutions to desertification, no more bailouts for big business and stop with the handout mentality; well, I think we'd be in good shape. Oh, and bring our men and women home and stop this stupid war while making it clear that any entity that attacks the U.S. will be nuked! (No prisoners, no nice guy anymore!)

Sadly, PH and Leo, you are both right. Now, if our Government would REALLY cut spending including cut out giving themselves all cushy raises and pensions. Then, they need to legalize pot, make assisted suicide also legal for the terminally ill, get out of the business of healthcare, put caps on insurance claim judgements, put caps on CEO/C-Suite bonuses and income, tax the super rich and give the middle class a break, make it mandatory that ALL PA/MA recipients are on BC and all Food stamp recipients cannot buy junk food or alcohol, invest in infrastructure including solutions to desertification, no more bailouts for big business and stop with the handout mentality; well, I think we'd be in good shape. Oh, and bring our men and women home and stop this stupid war while making it clear that any entity that attacks the U.S. will be nuked! (No prisoners, no nice guy anymore!)

I could live w/ that except raising taxes. One thing though, what's a PA/MA?

Sadly, PH and Leo, you are both right. Now, if our Government would REALLY cut spending including cut out giving themselves all cushy raises and pensions. Then, they need to legalize pot, make assisted suicide also legal for the terminally ill, get out of the business of healthcare, put caps on insurance claim judgements, put caps on CEO/C-Suite bonuses and income, tax the super rich and give the middle class a break, make it mandatory that ALL PA/MA recipients are on BC and all Food stamp recipients cannot buy junk food or alcohol, invest in infrastructure including solutions to desertification, no more bailouts for big business and stop with the handout mentality; well, I think we'd be in good shape. Oh, and bring our men and women home and stop this stupid war while making it clear that any entity that attacks the U.S. will be nuked! (No prisoners, no nice guy anymore!)

I'm there too, along with P Ho........

They should be worried. Fascism is the natural conclusion to what is happening. Oh, I thought that Dear Leader was getting us out of Iraq and closing Gitmo. Now? We are in Libya too. He's Bonesman II on steroids.

I'm not trying to defend the dear leader, he's made some big m,istakes but let's try to name one president that hasn't backtracked on his campaign promises. Did anyone else happen to notice that the entire Seal team who got bin Laden was wiped out in a copter shot down the other day? Going into Iraq was the major fuckup of the decade, even DT (who was a birther) espoused on that one. We can't sustain a war agains those fanatics. It's in our interests that they keep fighting each other which was what Raygun did when he funded the contras. Now, exactly what we didn't want to happen will eventually happen - Iran will own Iraq (thanks to Dubbya) and next stop will be Pakistan who already has nuclear weapons.

I think we're wound into this thing WAY deeper than is let on and even the candidates don't know until they take office and begin their briefings. After that, campaign promises start falling one by one.

I'm not trying to defend the dear leader, he's made some big m,istakes but let's try to name one president that hasn't backtracked on his campaign promises. Did anyone else happen to notice that the entire Seal team who got bin Laden was wiped out in a copter shot down the other day? Going into Iraq was the major fuckup of the decade, even DT (who was a birther) espoused on that one. We can't sustain a war agains those fanatics. It's in our interests that they keep fighting each other which was what Raygun did when he funded the contras. Now, exactly what we didn't want to happen will eventually happen - Iran will own Iraq (thanks to Dubbya) and next stop will be Pakistan who already has nuclear weapons.

I think we're wound into this thing WAY deeper than is let on and even the candidates don't know until they take office and begin their briefings. After that, campaign promises start falling one by one.

It was members of the team that got Bin Laden, not the actual guys. That is a serious operational loss for the military. The amount of training and experience those operators had is almost irreplacable. God Bless them and their families. I hope someone starts a special fund for them so I can contribute to it.