Sedor's replacement will be?

Investors need to realize this is a sales rep board. But for your info. There is not going to be a merger or acquisition in the near future. Company is heavy in debt and need to increase sales which have not been good enough to pay off money owed. No interest in the drugs (read WSJ article) until company can prove there is an actual market that will purchase. Problem is there are generic drugs that can do the same thing.

You investors have been raiding this board since the start of the year with the buyout talk. Management looked for some interest, there was none. So goal is to get Pernix back up on its feet stand alone. We will make it work. Just give us some time. Come back next year at this time !

Sedor was named CEO in the spring in hopes of a buyout that would solve the debt crisis company has. Do to continued low sales of products (drugs), heavy debt and the pending GSK lawsuit being unresolved - there was no interest from big Pharma in purchasing Pernix. Shift then became on restructuring company to make it on its own. Sedors value was in selling company, with no sale happening. Need leadership strength in restructuring turnaround failing companies, etc

New Sedor being brought on board is figured to be an expert in restructuring companies in financial distress. Sedor experience was in buyouts. So with buyout not happening, Sedor will fill the open board seat to get company in compliance and new CEO come in to head the restructuring efforts.