Sedor $2M for 7 months work (10K)

why are you acting surprised. The very foundation of this company by Doug drysdale and his cabal (with Seder as a board member) was based solely on self-enrichment of the executive team (and their ex-wife, at least in Dougie's case)

screw off stock dbag - mad because you lose money well people here are losing jobs and have families to worry about

so, you live your life in constant worry? you are a dumb ass. maybe a good idea to step back and think once in awhile and have more clarity in life. if this place is such a sinking ship, as you seem to suggest with your WORRY post, then look for another company to worry, I mean work for. Also, you might want to seek pro help for that worry, so you don't have a heart attack. sorry to be mean, but your worldview is quite disturbing. good luck.

more HQ resignations this week. Current product (not productS) is tanking. No financial ability to add. No future here. For god sake stop working to support the enrichment of the the top "executives" here at your own peril. This continues to be a pyramid scheme for Seder and his corrupt minions

Let's be honest. The opioid Zohydro-ER is a crappy product! There are far too many better, arguably less addictive options out there. Managed care is horrendous as well. Pernix is going down the tubes. 1 of the 2 managers I've worked with is lousy and way too young and,awkward to be in his position. Sinking ship!

I can't agree more. I've been here more than a year and already looking for a new job because the writing is on the wall. Pain specialists are fed up with the bs and the manager fits the description of the kind already mentioned. I'm young too, so not sure it's age problem as much as immaturity. This guy just comes across too smug/phoney and providers see through it. Collegium has a much better product, strong anti-abuse deterrent and pretty good coverage. We'd lose the company car but bigger commission checks, far less chance of lay-offs, and better managers should make up for it.

HA! The fact so many of us ON A MONDAY, are online looking for other opinions say's plenty about this crappy company and crappy managers. I've never been outside in my car during work, looking for jobs online at previous company. I hope we all find better jobs soon and jump off this rat-infested sinking dinghy of a vessel. Let's hope some whistle-blowers nail Sedor for the scam he's running too!

so, you live your life in constant worry? you are a dumb ass. maybe a good idea to step back and think once in awhile and have more clarity in life. if this place is such a sinking ship, as you seem to suggest with your WORRY post, then look for another company to worry, I mean work for. Also, you might want to seek pro help for that worry, so you don't have a heart attack. sorry to be mean, but your worldview is quite disturbing. good luck.

Actually, it's "you" that is the "dumb ass." Clarity in life? You pretend to have your act together and then ridicule that guy/girl? Telling "him/her? to get professional help? Stop projecting! From your own comments, it's obvious you are in need of serious help and should follow your own advice. Find out what mental health providers are available and run, don't walk to them! I can't be the first person who's told you this. You are very, very sick.
Now, beat it!

Actually, it's "you" that is the "dumb ass." Clarity in life? You pretend to have your act together and then ridicule that guy/girl? Telling "him/her? to get professional help? Stop projecting! From your own comments, it's obvious you are in need of serious help and should follow your own advice. Find out what mental health providers are available and run, don't walk to them! I can't be the first person who's told you this. You are very, very sick.
Now, beat it!

Wow..... You sure told them what's what. I'd be in tears if you said anything like that to me. I mean mental health providers? Come on, give the poor person a break, they aren't going to sleep for a month knowing how bad they've been burnt.

"Wow..... You sure told them what's what. I'd be in tears if you said anything like that to me. I mean mental health providers? Come on, give the poor person a break, they aren't going to sleep for a month knowing how bad they've been burnt."

Few things as pathetic as when a loser as the one with the quote above thought he was slamming someone else, but just looks like....a loser!

I'm sure you were in tears when you scratched your head for hours and "that" was your best comeback. No wonder our company is going down the toilet with morons like you making giving good reps a bad image and managers that are described as degenerates being kept just as long as they bring in the target and nothing else matters. We, the good hard-working, professional reps, should be interviewing with better companies that have fewer scumbags than this place does.