Second Interviews for Actavis


Anyone been contacted for 2nd interviews yet? I was under the impression the interviews were to be in Atlanta week of May 14th. Read post that they are in Dallas May 21st. Any thoughts?

I was told Dallas as well. Maybe there's two groups... east and west.
I was told that if I moved forward, the recruiter would notify me by tomorrow afternoon most likely.

The date that I was given was "most likely week after next" which would be the week of May 21st.

The hiring manager at the Atlanta meeting stated that the offers would go out at the begining of June with a disclaimer that it was based on the late June approval.

Training is in Orlando ( I think) the week of July 16th.

DOes anyone else have different information?

Who said anything about their wife working for a dentist? And who cares if some weird dude on cafepharma's wife works for a dentist? Why not post things that are relevant to the blog, or go to another site.