The position might be a good fit if you don't mind being ridden like a race horse to get into places with no access. Most of WI facilities and groups have no-rep policies or very limited access. If you want to collect a paycheck and forge some sigs, its not too bad. Just be ready to deal with the DM when they don't understand why you can't get in to see some of the docs. They're too dense to see the reality and simply spew the "smokescreen" line. I'd love to see some of these DMs back in the field for a few months and see how they respond to market share ups and downs.
So if you can't get sigs, and don't forge, what do you do/say? I don't want to forge, but I would hate to think that is the only way to perform. Not looking for a fulfilling career, just a paycheck, it's not that bad where even that would preclude a person from taking the territory?