se region better than a soap opera

I have decided to take a step down for personal reasons, oh yeah, I was told to do so because I care too much for people. Let's welcome someone from outside the region or maybe from another company. They kniw how to treat people poor enough to make spive and his mistress bp happy. Watch out. Due date for latge amount of terminations coming soon.
Your old managers who step down to spend time with family.

I think Bain is awesome. Getting rid of people who have been flying under the radar for YEARS! If you can't shit get off the pot. He does what it takes to win and that's what it's about. Not passing out cookies and flirting with doctors. Plus, he's HOT.

Bain is great if you like to be sexually harassed at POA when he gets drunk. He is a part of the good old boy network. Of course Brooke made it into there somehow. Never accomplished anything, but keep getting promoted.

Yeah I'm sure he's the only one flirting at a pharmaceutical POA. Right. I've known him for years and have never seen him do anything unethical. He focuses on performance not popularity and has inherited a region that is ranked at the bottom and has been for years. What should be do, sit on his ass and let lazy reps and ineffective managers sit on their asses and collect paychecks? If you're doing your job, you are good to go. If not, and you've been given many chances or your issues have been ignored for years with shitty managers, he will hold you accountable.

Bain is great if you like to be sexually harassed at POA when he gets drunk. He is a part of the good old boy network. Of course Brooke made it into there somehow. Never accomplished anything, but keep getting promoted.

i feel lawsuit coming..... if anyone wants in on it the name of the firm will be posted in a few weeks

i feel lawsuit coming..... if anyone wants in on it the name of the firm will be posted in a few weeks

Yes, we are going to bring this fucker down to planet earth. The lawsuit is sitting in the attny office as we speak, contacts are going out, and will be filed by end of month. I have read the complaint, it is knee deep with documentation, affidavits, testimony, and tape recordings. It is so great to see forest scum get their chips knocked off their blocks. Pseudo bullies who are nothing in the real world and hero's in their own minds. Cannot wait to see these fuckers reduced to rubble.

Yeah lawsuits...cowardly way to get away with not doing your job which is why you are in the process and now you have to come up with shit liking setting good people up when you are the lazy, worthless piece of shit and need to take a long look in the mirror. Good luck laying on your lazy ass when you are unemployed!!!!

You actually think they don't see that BULLSHIT coming? You really are stupid. And they have more documentation on your sorry ass than you can even imagine. Lazy and stupid...great qualities to have on your resume when your sorry ass hits the unemployment line. You free ride is over!!!!!

You actually think they don't see that BULLSHIT coming? You really are stupid. And they have more documentation on your sorry ass than you can even imagine. Lazy and stupid...great qualities to have on your resume when your sorry ass hits the unemployment line. You free ride is over!!!!!

that is where you are wrong, see, I have another job lined up, I just want a FAT payday before I leave this sinking ship, and if all else fails, you can file an EEOC complaint and give them hell after you leave

i feel lawsuit coming..... if anyone wants in on it the name of the firm will be posted in a few weeks

If this is for real, post the law firm contact. Seems that a few reps have cases under bain's reign, there would be strength in numbers instead of those with true grounds filing separately. If there are any lawyers trolling this board who want a true case, post your contact info. We'll call you, trust me...

Watch out SE specialty. LW is a back stabbing lier. She will record your calls on a tape recorder to try to catch you saying something off label while she pushes for you to ask targets to write Daliresp early so they can become speakers.