
The end of a cluster _! There's nothing so satisfying as wasting 2 years of your career on an absolute disaster. Great example of how not to launch/manage a product.

Yes, totally agreed, the neutering of our promotional direction on this product really left us with our hands tied behind our backs. Fucking clowns running the show! Now I'm hoping I can land a spot when they expand their sales force. They get how to sell and we just go around feeling like nothing more than a message

Yes, totally agreed, the neutering of our promotional direction on this product really left us with our hands tied behind our backs. Fucking clowns running the show! Now I'm hoping I can land a spot when they expand their sales force. They get how to sell and we just go around feeling like nothing more than a message

So who's the f-ing clown then. Astellas is happy to be your pupeteer as lon as you'll allow them to use you as their convenient Idiot. Which you must be to work for that shithole of a company. Live Long and Sample drop... Keep telling yourself you are bringing are bringing value... you are bringing value... By the way terdbreath - I WANTED NO ONIONS ON MY SALAD!!! Go Get me another...

So who's the f-ing clown then. Astellas is happy to be your pupeteer as lon as you'll allow them to use you as their convenient Idiot. Which you must be to work for that shithole of a company. Live Long and Sample drop... Keep telling yourself you are bringing are bringing value... you are bringing value... By the way terdbreath - I WANTED NO ONIONS ON MY SALAD!!! Go Get me another...

Ha ha ahahahahahahh. Hahahahahahahahaa. Omg that's some funny shit.. " go get me another salad- that's right! Then come right back here piss girl and hold the bucket...oh piss girl... now give me a shake