Screwed Again

Does it really matter if we are given an IC? Seriously, it will obviously be one that can be amended after the fact anyway. NEVER forget they can change it whenever they want because "it just wasnt supposed to be that good".

Does it really matter if we are given an IC? Seriously, it will obviously be one that can be amended after the fact anyway. NEVER forget they can change it whenever they want because "it just wasnt supposed to be that good".

If your compnay is giving you a payout plan for a quarter and they renegotiate the payout after the quarter is over and pay you less than what you know to be what you've earned based upon the plan and your sales, that is total bullshit. Your management is crooked.

I would not say crooked. I would however say that upper management is obviously extremely incompetent. There was one main change last year in upper management and it was obvious to all of us at the POA that he couldn't even read out loud.... Seriously.... He read from a teleprompter and sounded like a 1st grader as he addressed the audience. The company was fantastic and the employees were motivated before he showed up. Its too bad because he is a nice guy, but running a generic side of the house is NOT the same as running the branded sales force. I will admit however that if the executives planned on shorting the sales force, AS THEY ARE DOING, then they hired the right person for the job because they knew everyone would just blame him because he appears to be so stupid.

Re: Screwed Again - home office

Does anyone in home office read this site, if so please give us some insight on to what is going on? Moral out here in field is going down day by day. Please give us some positive news. Comp plan has been horrible in Q1 and Q2. What does Q3 bring us? Anything please ppl are ready to leave and go somewhere else.

I would not say crooked. I would however say that upper management is obviously extremely incompetent. There was one main change last year in upper management and it was obvious to all of us at the POA that he couldn't even read out loud.... Seriously.... He read from a teleprompter and sounded like a 1st grader as he addressed the audience. The company was fantastic and the employees were motivated before he showed up. Its too bad because he is a nice guy, but running a generic side of the house is NOT the same as running the branded sales force. I will admit however that if the executives planned on shorting the sales force, AS THEY ARE DOING, then they hired the right person for the job because they knew everyone would just blame him because he appears to be so stupid.

He knows more about this damn industry then you'll ever know! I have had the privilege to work with him and he is a great leader. The problem with you is that you just have to bitch and complain about something or someone. And by the sound of it sweetheart you haven't been here very long. Oh on the stupid note, you my friend are the stupid one.

Yeah I'm really excited to hear what all of our "great leaders" have in store for us tomorrow! They won't be so "great" when they fire a bunch of people based on whatever this third party company has to say about OUR territories. It's hard to have great leaders in a company when the higher ups are more concerned with profit margins instead of employee morale!!!!

Re: Screwed Again - home office

Does anyone in home office read this site, if so please give us some insight on to what is going on? Moral out here in field is going down day by day. Please give us some positive news. Comp plan has been horrible in Q1 and Q2. What does Q3 bring us? Anything please ppl are ready to leave and go somewhere else.

Bitch, bitch and some more bitching! You get paid a nice fat salary and a fleet car... You are paid really well for what you do on a daily basis! You speak of morale? Why? You are your own person. If you don't like it here, well the door is always open And you can be replaced with someone who would kill to have a pharma job!!!!!bonuses is just extra icing on the cake. If people are ready to leave... Well the bus is ready! Good luck!

Btw.. Your threats with "everyone" are ready to leave doesn't work in the real world today! Have you not been watching the news?? The economy is in the dumps, be thankful that you have a JOB and with a good solid salary! There are problems everywhere in pharma if you haven't noticed!!

Re: Screwed Again - home office

Bitch, bitch and some more bitching! You get paid a nice fat salary and a fleet car... You are paid really well for what you do on a daily basis! You speak of morale? Why? You are your own person. If you don't like it here, well the door is always open And you can be replaced with someone who would kill to have a pharma job!!!!!bonuses is just extra icing on the cake. If people are ready to leave... Well the bus is ready! Good luck!

Btw.. Your threats with "everyone" are ready to leave doesn't work in the real world today! Have you not been watching the news?? The economy is in the dumps, be thankful that you have a JOB and with a good solid salary! There are problems everywhere in pharma if you haven't noticed!!

I agree 100%. And for the people bitching and complaining, if you would be so good as to post your name instead of hiding behind the computer, maybe your voice would actually count for something. It's probably only 1 or 2 people, posting and supporting the post they put an hour or so before anyway, the way typical chicken shits roll!!!!!

No one is screwed! You are all crazy on here. We work for the best company in pharma and get the best bonuses of anyone I know! No one is getting re-aligned tomorrow they are probably going to tell us how Q4 will be set up so we can get out there and sell! Our leaders actually care about us, who cares how they read a teleprompter! They are interested in our well beings! This is what we have been waiting for! To finally hear what great crtx products we will be selling in q4! Cornerstone is not your typical corporate company. The founders and sales managers actually care about you here and they wouldn't just lay people off. So quit fretting and get ready to find out our next product!!!!

Last time I checked I didn't work for a non-profit and don't want to. If you're lazy and cost the company more than you make perhaps you should leave voluntarily and let those of us who know how to sell and turn a profit have a bigger shot at it.