SCOTUS may redefine when fetus becomes human life


It’s all just so silly!!! If you don’t want an abortion….then don’t have one. I’ll decide what I want to do in my situation. Why is this so hard????
When you’re a Conservative Vegetarian, you don’t eat meat. When you are a liberal vegan, you don’t want ANYONE else to eat meat either. If you want an abortion, please go get one.

But it’s the conservatives that are trying to tell us what we can or can not do????
Conservatives have magically morphed into authoritarian fascists. Wonder how the mob and cult will react when they take over and then try to dictate to them. Heard some of the evangelicals want everyone to go to church and hand their money over. Have read the “Handmaiden’s Tale” and guess who is going to get the hell out of here before that happens. Know many people putting plans in place to leave the US. Big sucking sound of the “educated” will be heard if the crazies regain power. By crazies, I mean republicans.