Scott Smith = Sinking Ship

Shawn Tomasello

I am so happy Celgene passed over me for the C suite and gave it to Scott Smith. Lets review what he has done and what I have done.

Scott Smith
1. Launched Otezlea, missed forecast year after year even after spending ovr 60 million on DTC advertising.
2. Had Celgene buy a Crohns drug off of a 30 patients, study, pay billlions only to have it fail in phase III trials.
3. Raise price of Revlimid, Pomalyst and Otezla to help Celgene hit quartlery numbers.

What have I done.
1. Went to Pharmacyclics and got a 56 million dollar pay out within a year.
2. Went to Kite and got Gilead to buy us within a year.

Celgene made a big big multi billion dollar mistake betting on Scott Smith, Chief Choking Officer.

At least we are surrounded by Novartis lawyers who excel at coming up with new ways to cripple the sales force. Hematology, Oncology and Rheumatology are hard enough, but with desk sitting backstabbers in Summit, it's a wonder we even can make calls. Thank God for Revlamid

Excuse me miss, but didn’t u get passed over for Jackie? She left the company and sits on another board now. You’re probably just angry that Scott didn’t kiss your fat ass like all your other cronies.

Scott knew how to kiss ass to Bob Hugen That is why he lasted that long. Not the same with Mark Alles who is young and pain in the ass. Did not get along with him at all. Reckless and definitely irresponsible. Scott thought he was invincible. Not a good thing in this industry.

Scott knew how to kiss ass to Bob Hugen That is why he lasted that long. Not the same with Mark Alles who is young and pain in the ass. Did not get along with him at all. Reckless and definitely irresponsible. Scott thought he was invincible. Not a good thing in this industry.

Scot was dating Mark's admin assistant without Marks knowledge. Mark found out and had a fit. scot eventually married her and got booted the day he returned from his honeymoon. That's the crap Mark dealt with. CEO dealing with bs. Friggin clown show up on the C suite. dont even start with Joe Hand and the former head of HR, Ernie...

Scot was dating Mark's admin assistant without Marks knowledge. Mark found out and had a fit. scot eventually married her and got booted the day he returned from his honeymoon. That's the crap Mark dealt with. CEO dealing with bs. Friggin clown show up on the C suite. dont even start with Joe Hand and the former head of HR, Ernie...
What a story! We can thank Scott for the mess he created with ozanimod too and so here we are today with nothing close to what Celgene should’ve been.