Scott please read this


I truly hope you are reading these posts. I know some of them come across as disgruntled employees that are just complaining and I wish that some were more professional but the overall theme is very clear. Please re-evaluate your sales leadership. You have created an environment inside Castle that is filled with happy, loyal employees. Their love and appreciation for you and your leadership are evident. That is why I came to work for this company. I believe in your vision and culture you are trying to create. This is not being translated to the Sales Force. For the most part, you have a sales group who are motivated, professional and darn good at what they do. But the leadership, starting with Rob and then most of the DVPs completely undermines what you are trying to do. Rob is completely ill equipped for a role as a leader of a sales force. I am not saying that he does not have talents in other areas, he is just failing miserably in this role.

I was in the most recent training class. I was blown away by your vision and mission for this company. I talked to many in-house employees and saw their loyalty and love for the company. I want to work for you. I enjoy my job and I believe in your vision. But I am afraid for my job. I have a family that I need to support and I am afraid that if I have one bad month, or don't make all the KPI's that Rob insists we hit, or if I close a big deal, that I will lose my job. I'm afraid if I am too successful, that my DVP will find a reason to fire me so that he can collect on all my hard work. I am afraid that if I don't hit 50 initial contacts a week because I am trying to board my clinics that I will lose my job. I have a number of large accounts (hospitals, large medical centers, etc) that I am working. But those take effort and time. The rewards are huge but I am afraid that I will be fired because my closing ratio appears low because I have to have multiple meetings with these organizations and make multiple presentations. Rob does not understand that a solid medical sale takes time. Medical professionals do not like to buy from someone they have seen once. They want a relationship with that sales person. That relationship cannot be built in one call. I have many signed NCRs from 1 time visits. I can sell. But in order to make these into long term accounts, I need to have time to build the relationships without fearing for my job because of the unreasonable KPIs. Those numbers are created for someone who is fresh out of college and has never sold anything before. You have a sales force of seasoned sales professionals who know how to sell and know what it takes to get the sale. Let them do it!

The sales managers in this company from Rob to most of the DVP's like to motivate by bragging about their accomplishments. I don't doubt that they have been very successful. But success is not a measurement of an effective leader. I am a man and I found the behavior of all the male DVP's at the last training simply appalling. They stepped over the line of respectful and professionalism multiple times. Your one female DVP (who is not my manager) was the only manager that I found supporting her folks and actually trying to teach them instead of just ramming her success down their throats.

Please re-evaluate your sales leadership. The sales people are the face of Castle. We are the people the customers see everyday. Castle will not be successful without consistency. If they see a new rep every few months, they will never respect the company. They will not do business with us. Please help us help Castle to be as successful as we all know it can be!

Everything that you said is correct. I was not in your class but agree 100%. I left a salaried job for Castle and hit most of my KPI's, had an awesome closing ratio and signed up many accounts. When I was let go after a few months I received less then $150 a week in unemployment. Thank goodness I found another job quickly but this was extremely hard on my family. This also puts a hole in my resume that I will have to explain for the rest of my career.

I couldn't have said it better. The sales team can be affected and motivated by hiring a sales coach. A true motivator who's leadership comes from example and through the successes of others. Not personal success. This is an easy Fix, and we have people in our organization already, who would fit the bill. These are your top performing reps in the field, who can absolutely say that they have done this job, been successful, helps coach teams, all with the multiple new sales tools and requirements.

Good leaders knows that sales success does not necessarily mean someone will make a great sales manager and that some people are great managers even if they have not been at the top of sales.

Someone explained the essence of Rob perfectly to me. He is a fighter. His goal is to take down his opponent physically and mentally. He sees the sales force as an opponent who he wants to submit to him. He wants to break us down. Rob cant help it. It's just his nature. Unfortunately it is detrimental to the sales force.

Someone explained the essence of Rob perfectly to me. He is a fighter. His goal is to take down his opponent physically and mentally. He sees the sales force as an opponent who he wants to submit to him. He wants to break us down. Rob cant help it. It's just his nature. Unfortunately it is detrimental to the sales force.

He is not a fighter. He is a bully. Two different things. He is not capable of taking most of us out mentally. He simply is not that intelligent. The reason we are an opponent to him is because we are seasoned reps with prior success. He is a failed actor and a former painter, of walls. He couldn't sell his skills as a painter of flat surfaces, but he is the end all be all Bonji of selling lab services? That sounds like some horrible D level movie plot. Perfect for a failed D level actor. He is not a fighter. He is a coward and a bully. I called him several times. He did not have the balls to call me back. That is a coward. He then responded to my email with the same talking points as LP, as well as telling me about him landing the biggest account in castle history, so we know the 500 story is bull crap. But he wants to intimidate you. I wasn't having any of it. He is a clown. I am neither impressed or intimidated by the one and only Bonji Boy aka, Roundhouse Rob. Most people I know that are true martial ARTISTS, do not brag about it every opportunity they get. If you can't sell, and you can't teach others to sell, get up there and break a brick. From the sounds of it, he can't do that either. He broke his hand then the brick on the second try. That is stupidity. He will tell you it was brave and heroic. Not so. If you are in a fight for your life or in a match and you break your hand and continue, then yea, you are the man. But if you are standing there trying to motivate others by kicking a bricks ass so you look cool, and break your hand, you look like a douche. And bingo, there stands Rob. Or should I say Bonji?

Mentally, Rob may feel this way, but in reality, he is a little pussy! He might be tough in the Napoleon weight class, but I am pretty sure that a good portion of us could whoop is a$$. Outside fighting other little guys in Karate, he would get beat in a street fight!

Guys like L make him feel good.

Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer was taking Karate and was advancing in his class, only for us to find out it was a class of little kids? Rob Kramer, same thing.

Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer was taking Karate and was advancing in his class, only for us to find out it was a class of little kids? Rob Kramer, same thing.

You may have missed the memo, Rob is a sempai, like Dwight from "the office." Most people in America don't know what a sempai is, but it is equally as respected as a sensei.

Rob Kramer, probably gets his lessons for free because he mops the mats after he is done sparing with the 10-12 year old class haha

You may have missed the memo, Rob is a sempai, like Dwight from "the office." Most people in America don't know what a sempai is, but it is equally as respected as a sensei. Rob Kramer, probably gets his lessons for free because he mops the mats after he is done sparing with the 10-12 year old class haha

Are you sure is a Sempai, or did he play one on TV in "Karate Kid 14.8: the story of Danielson grow up, change name to Rob and become sales and marketing director of all companies forever." I think I will contact the American Marketing Association and ask if the can name the life time achievement award after Rob.

I truly hope you are reading these posts. I know some of them come across as disgruntled employees that are just complaining and I wish that some were more professional but the overall theme is very clear. Please re-evaluate your sales leadership. You have created an environment inside Castle that is filled with happy, loyal employees. Their love and appreciation for you and your leadership are evident. That is why I came to work for this company. I believe in your vision and culture you are trying to create. This is not being translated to the Sales Force. For the most part, you have a sales group who are motivated, professional and darn good at what they do. But the leadership, starting with Rob and then most of the DVPs completely undermines what you are trying to do. Rob is completely ill equipped for a role as a leader of a sales force. I am not saying that he does not have talents in other areas, he is just failing miserably in this role.

I was in the most recent training class. I was blown away by your vision and mission for this company. I talked to many in-house employees and saw their loyalty and love for the company. I want to work for you. I enjoy my job and I believe in your vision. But I am afraid for my job. I have a family that I need to support and I am afraid that if I have one bad month, or don't make all the KPI's that Rob insists we hit, or if I close a big deal, that I will lose my job. I'm afraid if I am too successful, that my DVP will find a reason to fire me so that he can collect on all my hard work. I am afraid that if I don't hit 50 initial contacts a week because I am trying to board my clinics that I will lose my job. I have a number of large accounts (hospitals, large medical centers, etc) that I am working. But those take effort and time. The rewards are huge but I am afraid that I will be fired because my closing ratio appears low because I have to have multiple meetings with these organizations and make multiple presentations. Rob does not understand that a solid medical sale takes time. Medical professionals do not like to buy from someone they have seen once. They want a relationship with that sales person. That relationship cannot be built in one call. I have many signed NCRs from 1 time visits. I can sell. But in order to make these into long term accounts, I need to have time to build the relationships without fearing for my job because of the unreasonable KPIs. Those numbers are created for someone who is fresh out of college and has never sold anything before. You have a sales force of seasoned sales professionals who know how to sell and know what it takes to get the sale. Let them do it!

The sales managers in this company from Rob to most of the DVP's like to motivate by bragging about their accomplishments. I don't doubt that they have been very successful. But success is not a measurement of an effective leader. I am a man and I found the behavior of all the male DVP's at the last training simply appalling. They stepped over the line of respectful and professionalism multiple times. Your one female DVP (who is not my manager) was the only manager that I found supporting her folks and actually trying to teach them instead of just ramming her success down their throats.

Please re-evaluate your sales leadership. The sales people are the face of Castle. We are the people the customers see everyday. Castle will not be successful without consistency. If they see a new rep every few months, they will never respect the company. They will not do business with us. Please help us help Castle to be as successful as we all know it can be!

Even if Scott is reading this, he's not going to acknowledge it to anyone. You really can't assume that he's not aware of what goes on in the sales department, can you? He hired Rob and these other douche suckers to run things and is fully aware of what's going on. If for some strange reason he's not, we should be even more worried about the company.