
Start calling the shiel people to come over. They are all miserable with new commission plan. The plan they put in place will never fly long term. They have a new leaders who have tough decisions to make. There will be more cuts . Can get some good reps for a reasonable number.

Start calling the shiel people to come over. They are all miserable with new commission plan. The plan they put in place will never fly long term. They have a new leaders who have tough decisions to make. There will be more cuts . Can get some good reps for a reasonable number.

What is the new comp plan?

it's amazing how much people at this company whine and complain. I'd like you to name one other lab company you could work for right now that gives you the same commission opportunity as this company. The people on here complaining are the ones that sit around at home and post on this damn site.

i already was told no more rent deals- anyone else? Compliance crackheads all over us.

Now that Grodman is gone the games are over people. Opko is peeling back the layers and finding out just how this company was really run in the past. Henderson has a nightmare to deal with all thats being uncovered - everyone knows what I mean. Welcome to the real world now that you have oversight from a Compliance Dept. that means business!

You had a nice run but it's over now. This are not complaints but facts. Congrats on a nice run now step aside. You are a hasbeen!

Tell me what fact you are referring to? I, for one, am happy to see Henderson make some changes. There is a lot of housecleaning that needs to be done. If you can't adapt to change, I suppose one's "run" would be over. And who are you exactly? I'm guessing a little droopy faced wimp selling InforaSeq. Hows that working out for you? I bet you are killin it, brah

Tell me what fact you are referring to? I, for one, am happy to see Henderson make some changes. There is a lot of housecleaning that needs to be done. If you can't adapt to change, I suppose one's "run" would be over. And who are you exactly? I'm guessing a little droopy faced wimp selling InforaSeq. Hows that working out for you? I bet you are killin it, brah
Aaaawwww calling me's that cute. My high school kids used to use that term years ago. When you take away the deductible bullshit and rent deals what do you have left? You can't sell on price, your insurance contracts or your PSC network. Face sold on on dirty tactics. Those tactics are gone,therefore you are a has been.

Aaaawwww calling me's that cute. My high school kids used to use that term years ago. When you take away the deductible bullshit and rent deals what do you have left? You can't sell on price, your insurance contracts or your PSC network. Face sold on on dirty tactics. Those tactics are gone,therefore you are a has been.