Schering Overtime Payout


I worked with Schering several years ago but had moved a few times and they likely do not have my current address on file.

Where/How do I sign up for the class action overtime suit with S-P?

Anyone out there that knows, please advise.

Thank you.

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha - OVERTIME at Schering!!!! Surely you jest. No one worked more than four or five hours a day. If you did, you were an idiot. There were so many of us we were tripping over each other. I personally had FOUR accounts not more than 15 minutes away and two old products. LMAO - OVERTIME!

Now at Merck, welcome to having no life.

I worked with Schering several years ago but had moved a few times and they likely do not have my current address on file.

Where/How do I sign up for the class action overtime suit with S-P?

Anyone out there that knows, please advise.

Thank you.

Go to the Lost Civilizations board you loser!!! I HATE LAWYERS!!!!!!!!

Why such angry responses? It was a simple question.

Some of us did actually work full days and did the admin/speaker programs/tradeshows/etc outside of normal work hours. Many, many extra hours. It was mandated. I did not agree with it, but I wanted to keep my job and am not in the habit of being a BS artist. That doesn't make someone an "idiot", but honest rather. If you think being honest is stupid, then that is your own issue and I feel sorry for you.

Best wishes. The Merck Overtime lawsuit has been going on for a decade now. About 3-4 years back Merck argued that we are not truly sales people. Yes, we are evaluated that way. But for this lawsuit Merck said we are not. Last time I talked to the firm they were kind of giving it up as Merck continues to toss roadblock after roadblock at them.

I believe the legal letter I received stated that a decision would be made in court on Dec. 14, 2010. Don't know how long it will take before we can expect any payout.

have you not been following the news?
with all the pharma overtime lawsuits tht have been filed, only a small % have been decided in the reps favor - and the battalions of corporate laywers file appeal after appeal.

This is no pot of gold, kids. Give it up, don't count on it.

Let the class action lawyers continue to rattle their sabres, and pretend that they are going to win the battle, it makes them feel that they are actually doing something, they aren't.

Kind of like being a pharma rep,eh?

Oh and remember, all you severed reps, you did sign off on those agreements stating that you would not sue the company in exchange for those severence benefits.

Good luck. The Merck overtime lawsuit has now dragged on for more than a decade with Merck kept coming up with all kind of creative counter-attacks. The law firm people were kind of worn out and looking for easier cases last time I spoke with them. One of the arguments from Merck was, "we are not truly sales people" in the traditional sense.