scare tactics


Quality Representatives are being sent warning letters, senior leadership has admitted that numbers are not accurate and hard to track, yet managers are intimidating representatives.

My Best friend at work is being harassed and bullied by their manager, I wonder if senior leaders know that Middle management is creating an atmosphere of fear rather then support during a time of extreme change in the industry.

Did all of you forget about the managers meeting that was about how to terminate employees. It was centered around getting employees out of JNJ that they want out. It has not and is not about the numbers. Your friends manager or upper-manager has targeted that employee for termination. My advise would be to get some anti-anxiety meds and look for another job. My guess would be that your friend is a white female. A this point I have been hearing that JBI is viewed as having an abundance of you and is trying to diversify to allow more minority women to enter and be promoted. When you represented 80% of the field did you believe that you would not be be targeted for a demographic reduction? Today at JNJ it is all about diversification to mirror society plus.

Where do you think managers get their marching orders from?

I do not believe the orders come from above. The managers here do what they want because there isn't any accountability for what they do. If they don't like someone they just go at them and make the person think that the orders come from above to scare the person from reporting them.