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Scarborough hits a Homerun.

Wow! An MSNBC host says something bad about non-democrtats. Now, that is some breaking news. Way to go, BN.

Project much? Paranoid?

Way too funny that you think that Rock and I are the same.

Congrats, you just showed the board that there is more than enough room for both of us to live rent free inside your head.

Thanks for the laughs, you are a useful idiot, to say the least.


Hey look, you got out of your wacky AGW thread that you couldn't support. That may be the only smart thing you done in quite awhile.

Seriously, there you have it folks, you heard it here first: There are multiple libtards as stupid as BN? Who'd a guessed.
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Project much? Paranoid?

Way too funny that you think that Rock and I are the same.

Congrats, you just showed the board that there is more than enough room for both of us to live rent free inside your head.Thanks for the laughs, you are a useful idiot, to say the least.


Heh, that was funny!:D I think 4D is senile.

Project much? Paranoid?

Way too funny that you think that Rock and I are the same.

Congrats, you just showed the board that there is more than enough room for both of us to live rent free inside your head.

Thanks for the laughs, you are a useful idiot, to say the least.


I notice that you're not denying it. You have to be one person using two names. The statistical odds of two people that stupid being on the same planet would approach Avogadro's number.

I notice that you're not denying it. You have to be one person using two names. The statistical odds of two people that stupid being on the same planet would approach Avogadro's number.

Rock and I aren't the same person, I don't roll that way here using two names - never have and never will. The mods will back me up on that.

You do make a good point, however, since both your and 4D/LiarBoy challenege the statistical odds and approach Avogadro's number by being at least the two most stupid people here, if not the planet.

Now run along, isn't is time for the home health aid to give you a sponge bath, geezer?

Just in case our resident Flea Bagger tries to delete the thread after getting Shanked

Very rich response coming from a poster who gets SHANKED here on a daily basis and then resorts to his multiple screen names as a cover.

Your ruse is up and you have been rendered irrelevant here except to serve as a reminder on just how deluded those on the right are.

The Morning Schmooze was an intellectual zero when in congress, and a go-along/get-along type. He does look like genius sitting next to that blonde airhead though.