
This whole BU is now a revolving door. Everyone with contracting or buy and bill experience is running away and they are now replacing them with inhaler reps....
When are they going to look at the culture? The whole senior SBU leadership needs replaced.

Seems as though the sbu is trying to get as many people to leave as possible and replacing them with cheaper people or not at all. The specialty bu has had so many calls requesting that leadership create a better culture. Their response has been “the bad culture is your fault” or “we’re so diverse therefore we have a great culture”
Time to replace Sr. Leadership with diverse candidates!

Leadership is very unprofessional and demeaning. Who runs a specialty BU talking about KPIs. Leadership is like a group of fourth graders. Where did GSK find these characters? Richard is in the dark and let’s his IT BFF JK run everything b/c he doesn’t have a clue. Then they talk for two hours about data and reports. Craziness around this place. I should of never came to GSK. Very poor benefits and worthless stock options.

Richard and JK share the same anti-charismatic personalities.

Yes they do. Neither one of them can answer a question during the town halls. I just mute the two stooges.

Richards's demeanor has changed during the last few calls. He clearly gets it that the salesforce thinks little of him and wishes he would go somewhere else. Instead of trying to improve upon feedback, he just putzes around doing more of the same. It’s the GSK way. All talk and no follow through.