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Say It Ain't So, Sarah - Todd Is Having An Affair?

True or not, a big so what?

Edwards was the political figure, not his wife. Sarah isn't who stands accused. Besides, after clinton, dems said they don't care about people's personal lives. You don't get to have it both ways.

True or not, a big so what?

Edwards was the political figure, not his wife. Sarah isn't who stands accused. Besides, after clinton, dems said they don't care about people's personal lives. You don't get to have it both ways.

Sorry, I'm not buying what you are trying to sell here.

If Sarah was a Dem you would be one of the first to jam her over this.

Better 'SPiN' next time.

Sorry, I'm not buying what you are trying to sell here.

If Sarah was a Dem you would be one of the first to jam her over this.

Better 'SPiN' next time.

Really? What poster condemned Hilary for Bill's liaisons? While I think she is an idiot for staying with him, she knew she could still ride his coattails and has.

You really think someone is going to attack a candidate because their spouse is an ass (or in this case, is accused by the national enquirer of being an ass)?

Despite here, the rest of the United States is innocent until proven guilty. But not in breakingwinds world.

What is the undeniable proof that Todd Palin was having an affair? Did he have a child with this woman? Are there photographs? Has he admitted to the affair?

Sorry, I'm not buying what you are trying to sell here.

If Sarah was a Dem you would be one of the first to jam her over this.

Better 'SPiN' next time.

I wouldn't you stupid fuck, so fucking what douchebag? Sex is sex and maybe they have an arrangement. Hell, mommy just wishes you'd finally get a fucking job and let her live in peace. Too bad about your butt-buddy Uuuberfag.

I think it's great she's happy and why let one or 2 little outside blow jobs wreck it? I think she's cool with it.

Especially since it probably never happened!

How many times has there been a "wolf" cry about the Palin's marriage? And you are gonna fall for this?

As I said, the odds are that this is just the same lie, repackaged.

I know you have a hard time understanding that at least half of all people have extramarital sex at least once in their lifetime but it's only sex. Some people actually like variety once in awhile. It happens all the time.

Look at your own statement! Half of all people don't! Maybe Todd is in that half? This same sort of lie about the Palin's marriage has been trotted out before and no substantiation could be found for it!

How gullible are you?

Could Todd have cheated on Sarah? Yeah, it's possible. I'm just saying that based upon intelligence guided by experience, I'm not going to put any stock in yet another Palin smear campaign attempt where the only source is the National Inquirer.

Again, just how gullible are you?

Oh, and "it's just sex" has broken up many a marriage. That is a very BAD thing for both the couple and society at large. Somehow most women don't buy that line very often! :D

And if it is true, look what Billy's cheatin did for Hitlery.

Don't you just know that Bubba is desperately trying to get Berlusconi's cell number so he can call him and learn how he manages to hook up with hot under age chicks? You know it's killing him that Berusconi can get away with this stuff and he can't. And Belusconi's gal is so much hotter than ole Monica, it ain't even funny!

Once again, we see the lib double standard. It didn't hurt Hillary and she should have to hang her head in shame, but if the allegations are true, then Sarah is supposed to be devastated by such a scandal. Sure, libtards, sure!

No need for shame, scientists have proven that an affair often strengthens a marriage.

Ludicrous contention. Common sense, experience and the social science data all indicate that it is far, far more likely that an affair will weaken or destroy a marriage.

Think about your average love song. What themes does it contain? Pledges of undying love, devotion, fidelity, exclusiveness etc. Now let me remind you that it isn't a bunch of preachers that are writing all of the love songs that are recorded every year. Most normal people are in alignment with the sentiments of these love songs. Christianity isn't pushing anything on people that they don't already want. it just urges them to taken things seriously.

Oh, and if you want to talk about something that scientists HAVE actually proven, it's that married Christian couples have the most satisfying sex lives. Kinda just clouds up and rains all over your little libertine, libtard parade now doesn't it? Hey, scientists have proven it!
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I know you have a hard time understanding that at least half of all people have extramarital sex at least once in their lifetime but it's only sex. Some people actually like variety once in awhile. It happens all the time.

So if some guy knocks up your daughter, is it only sex?

Oh, I know. You are one of those "cool" dads, who would drive her to the abortion clinic, pay for it, then take her out for ice cream afterward.

Did you encourage your daughter to have sex at the tender age of 13? If not, why not?
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