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Saunders on Mad Money last night


Great interview Cramer did with Saunders yesterday. Lots of tough questions asked such as over paying for recent acquisitions, drop in stock price, etc etc. BS sounded firm, confident, and assuring. Time will tell if these deals pan out. Saunders seemed to play them up like they would. Says he is committed to getting the stock price up cause he feels it's way undervalued due to issues such as political firestorms over drug pricing, Pfizer deal etc. The good of it was he clarified AGN position on the deals and how AGN didn't over pay, as well as set the tone for the future once elections are over and business gets back to normal. Renewed confidence I suppose is what I got out of it. Trying not to drink the Koolaid and be open eyed but he came across very well as the CEO.


If he wants to help the stock price, where is the $5B stock buyback?

He briefly mentioned that. I think the concern is more about who the investors are. Before, hedge funds jumped on board to make easy money with the Pfizer deal. Those positions are still clearing out now that the deal is over. Dividends and buy backs are not going to rally this stock until elections are over and the political rhetoric cools about Pharma pricing. There will be a calculated time for buy backs IMO. The upsides to BS madness is positioned to be really good. What's holding a lot back are the people you want to invest in the company, the current state of affairs for Pharma industry with the political uncertainty. This stock could really jump in the next few years if these acquisition milestones are met and approvals move forward. Just my opinion and we know how that goes! Sounds like BS has this well thought out. I highly suggest everyone watch it.

He briefly mentioned that. I think the concern is more about who the investors are. Before, hedge funds jumped on board to make easy money with the Pfizer deal. Those positions are still clearing out now that the deal is over. Dividends and buy backs are not going to rally this stock until elections are over and the political rhetoric cools about Pharma pricing. There will be a calculated time for buy backs IMO. The upsides to BS madness is positioned to be really good. What's holding a lot back are the people you want to invest in the company, the current state of affairs for Pharma industry with the political uncertainty. This stock could really jump in the next few years if these acquisition milestones are met and approvals move forward. Just my opinion and we know how that goes! Sounds like BS has this well thought out. I highly suggest everyone watch it.

He is buying too many companies too fast. He is overpaying for companies and putting a heavy debt load on the company. Now there is talk about a Gilead buyout. That kind of debt would kill your stock price. Just mho.

whats he going to say? 'Yeah. I'm really at a loss now that the Pfizer deal fell through. I probably overpaid for these recent acquisitions but I really don't know what else to do. And besides one or two might pan out'

He is buying too many companies too fast. He is overpaying for companies and putting a heavy debt load on the company. Now there is talk about a Gilead buyout. That kind of debt would kill your stock price. Just mho.

Gilead buyout will not happen. He stated he didn't want to buy a company the size of Biogen during those rumors, so he won't buy Gilead either.

He is buying too many companies too fast. He is overpaying for companies and putting a heavy debt load on the company. Now there is talk about a Gilead buyout. That kind of debt would kill your stock price. Just mho.

I highly suggest you read and do homework before you look for the highest cliff to jump off. The deal was a structured deal. Approximately $500ish million up front with contingency milestone payments which could reach $1.7 billion when it's all said and done. NASH is the unmet hot area. AGN is overnight the principle player in this area with a nice position for a potential $10 billion per year drug. Doubt Gilead is on the radar for BS. Really doesn't have money for it with their market cap. The debt would be around $90 billion from what I read so not at all likely. Must be wishful thinking somewhere to suggest that deal. Wall St clearly analyzed this deal and saw the Cramer piece along with the conference call to investors since this stock is up over $5 today. No hope for shorts. I highly suggest you watch the mad money piece. It should calm you down.

I highly suggest you read and do homework before you look for the highest cliff to jump off. The deal was a structured deal. Approximately $500ish million up front with contingency milestone payments which could reach $1.7 billion when it's all said and done. NASH is the unmet hot area. AGN is overnight the principle player in this area with a nice position for a potential $10 billion per year drug. Doubt Gilead is on the radar for BS. Really doesn't have money for it with their market cap. The debt would be around $90 billion from what I read so not at all likely. Must be wishful thinking somewhere to suggest that deal. Wall St clearly analyzed this deal and saw the Cramer piece along with the conference call to investors since this stock is up over $5 today. No hope for shorts. I highly suggest you watch the mad money piece. It should calm you down.

Dear Mr MBA who turns to Mad Money for his Info:

When we need to start watching mad money and Jim "I'm always wrong" Cramer to calm down and have faith in the company, it's an incredibly sad reflection of management's ability to communicate effectively with its employees. Didn't Cramer recommend Agn near its $340 high? Didn't Cramer miss the call on several of legacy company stocks? Have you checked his track record on Allergan and its legacy companies? If i remember correctly, it isn't too strong.


Dear Mr MBA who turns to Mad Money for his Info:

When we need to start watching mad money and Jim "I'm always wrong" Cramer to calm down and have faith in the company, it's an incredibly sad reflection of management's ability to communicate effectively with its employees. Didn't Cramer recommend Agn near its $340 high? Didn't Cramer miss the call on several of legacy company stocks? Have you checked his track record on Allergan and its legacy companies? If i remember correctly, it isn't too strong.


Jim Cramer holds a large position in Allergan in his charitable trust, Actions Alert Plus. He's had BS on his show a dozen+ times in the past year and clearly is trying to rally interest behind the stock to create personal value. It's like Matt Lauer interviewing Trump.....it's a cakewalk. I'm sure the interview you posted about was planned out beforehand and the "tough" questions pre-meditated. BS has to speak positively about the company and clearly uses these bolt on acquisitions to create short term value because the price has been depressed for well over a year and he doesn't know how to operate a company. And they're already doing a $5 billion share buyback.

Jim Cramer holds a large position in Allergan in his charitable trust, Actions Alert Plus. He's had BS on his show a dozen+ times in the past year and clearly is trying to rally interest behind the stock to create personal value. It's like Matt Lauer interviewing Trump.....it's a cakewalk. I'm sure the interview you posted about was planned out beforehand and the "tough" questions pre-meditated. BS has to speak positively about the company and clearly uses these bolt on acquisitions to create short term value because the price has been depressed for well over a year and he doesn't know how to operate a company. And they're already doing a $5 billion share buyback.

Well all thoughts are well taken, and well known. However, the interview was still a positive spin on AGN regardless of how dismal you view your situation.

Well all thoughts are well taken, and well known. However, the interview was still a positive spin on AGN regardless of how dismal you view your situation.

Agreed. Also the "tough questions" asked by Cramer were questions that everyone has been asking. So I'm not sure he needed to be prepped for those. It definitely was a positive spin on AGN, and one of the first positive spins I have heard since the Pfizer merger failure.

Agreed. Also the "tough questions" asked by Cramer were questions that everyone has been asking. So I'm not sure he needed to be prepped for those. It definitely was a positive spin on AGN, and one of the first positive spins I have heard since the Pfizer merger failure.

I agree! The difference is I never heard answers to those tough questions until the Cramer interview. I was happy to hear the responses from Saunders. Don't think he's a lunatic just spending money AGN does or doesn't have. Instead, sounds like management did careful evaluations and homework to pull the trigger on those deals.

Perhaps $340/share last July 2015 was an anomaly. The market is stagnant enough to create pain for biotech/healthcare sector which most likely will last till 2017 and we have a new POTUS. I am of the optimistic side that pipeline, new NASH principal player, systemic fat reduction, further Botox indications, continued positive financials quarter over quarter, as well as new approvals and launches could still propel AGN to over the $300 mark. Just not sure on the timeline how many months or perhaps years that may be.

BS on msnbc w/ his social contract bull. Lets talk about forced switching when it comes to your social contract bull. Namenda??? Forced switch. Delzicol ??? Forced switch. Reporters need to do their homework cause this guy has found sleazy ways to raise prices far more then 10% and acquire companies and lay off thousands. He himself believes his own bs!!!!! You wonder why his initials are BS!

not so sure a good financial quarter will do much cause by all accounts revenue has been up. I think the problems are deeper. I don't see any buyers for AGN with the low volume they have had with falling prices. Tells me that investors see too much potential downside. Acquisitions that may fail to be accretive, debt, stock buy back that did absolutely nothing to spark prices (usually one sees and uptick immediately, AGN dropped). Sure there are market factors going on, but AGN % drop was the largest in the Pharma sector. Investor confidence in management has to be weak. Not sure what else it is, but organic growth, less debt, increased earnings and the fruition of all the rhetoric that BS claimed growth Pharma would deliver, needs to come to life or AGN will be the biggest bust Pharma has ever seen! Down 40% since the PFE deal, this stock has lost investors a boat load due to (IMO) poor management decisions. Let's see if they can reverse that!