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Saunders calls sham Mohawk deal "bold"


He really had no choice as an incompetent " leader" ( only hoping to seek us not be at the helm of the ship
Like he is now) but to try for that inifuan deal hoping It was a success and flew under the radar... and if it worked awesome. If not, they planned for tge back up plan...plan Bwhich is very shortly is in full affect.

He really had no choice as an incompetent " leader" ( only hoping to seek us not be at the helm of the ship
Like he is now) but to try for that inifuan deal hoping It was a success and flew under the radar... and if it worked awesome. If not, they planned for tge back up plan...plan Bwhich is very shortly is in full affect.

As a shareholder I want him out. The guy has an expressionless face and under his leadership the company has become a failure. Financially underwater, a pipeline that lacks vision and an inability to have foresight.

Saunders needs to be removed by the board and replaced not just due to incompetence but due to what the company has developed into directly under his control.

As a shareholder I want him out. The guy has an expressionless face and under his leadership the company has become a failure. Financially underwater, a pipeline that lacks vision and an inability to have foresight.

Saunders needs to be removed by the board and replaced not just due to incompetence but due to what the company has developed into directly under his control.

I second that! Saunders is not qualified to be CEO of any company.

If he had been planning for the "trough" that was coming in revenue, we would not be facing such difficult times. He has failed as a CEO to account for this and shareholder return is in the crapper.

You, sir, are no Howard Solomon.

PS.... What kind of leader looks at the Mohawk deal and thought that was a good idea? Really? Really?

What I can't believe about the Mohawk deal is the timing. Announcing that deal so close to the federal patent ruling was stupid.

If Allergan won the patent battle, announcing the deal would have been more defensible. The public would be more likely to say "they just won a patent lawsuit, double jeopardy isn't fair"

If Allergan lost the patent battle, they could have avoided the bad press qa the deal wasn't needed.

I personally think that the Mohawk deal negatively influenced the actual agent decision.

Some interesting comments on this string....

The Mohawk deal is inmoral and unethical. And the timing was terrible - as pointed out by a previous poster, they could have waited to see if it was necessary before taking such a high risk (and clearly flawed) position.

BS has demotivated thousands of hard working employees who loved and cared about their company. He has killed the culture of pride that once existed in legacy Forest and at legacy Allergan. That doesn't count the additional demotivated people that came out of legacy Durata and Actavis. Leaders motivate. BS has failed.

BS has let downt the share holders. The stock is undervalued now. I almost wish Ichan would step in again and force BS out. Payback, baby.....

And finally, BS is indeed no Howard Solomon. Mr Solomon respected his workers. He never laid people off. He focused on steady and consistent growth both for the company and for the stock. And he suceeeded for decades - not quarters like BS. BS was part of the crew that deomonized HS. Now karma is coming around on him, and I'm glad.

Some interesting comments on this string....

The Mohawk deal is inmoral and unethical. And the timing was terrible - as pointed out by a previous poster, they could have waited to see if it was necessary before taking such a high risk (and clearly flawed) position.

BS has demotivated thousands of hard working employees who loved and cared about their company. He has killed the culture of pride that once existed in legacy Forest and at legacy Allergan. That doesn't count the additional demotivated people that came out of legacy Durata and Actavis. Leaders motivate. BS has failed.

BS has let downt the share holders. The stock is undervalued now. I almost wish Ichan would step in again and force BS out. Payback, baby.....

And finally, BS is indeed no Howard Solomon. Mr Solomon respected his workers. He never laid people off. He focused on steady and consistent growth both for the company and for the stock. And he suceeeded for decades - not quarters like BS. BS was part of the crew that deomonized HS. Now karma is coming around on him, and I'm glad.

He indeed is no Howard Solomon. I do wonder how the Wall Street types have allowed him to continue with his “tenacity”. If you think about the legacy companies he bought they had no where close to these issues yet they were forced into dealing with Brent ... maybe trump is right, the system is rigged against the common worker.

Howard Solomon was brilliant, eloquent and thoughtful.....class act. He truly appreciated his employees, especially the sales force. I loved to hear him speak at meetings although I was always nervous about him making it to the podium safely! Howard had the foresight and compassion to negotiate a good severance package for Forest reps when Ichan got BS on the board and it became clear what the future held. Juxtapose Howard to BS and it is like day and night. Howard makes BS look like the young, self-centered, short-sighted punk that he is, whose idea of being “bold” is nothing more than carelessness.

Yeah everyone was saying it would be so terrible if we were purchased by Valeant and now look at us. BS has destroyed Allergan. We would have been better off with Valeant.

Fornthe umpteenth time there was no game plan for where Allergan is at now. BS did what he did with only one goal in mind and that was to sell all of this to Pfizer and walk off with $400 million. That’s it. That’s as far as his thinking went. Now he’s just trying to figure out how to make what he has attractive enough to sell for as much money as he can make. That’s all he is trying to do.

I agree with the majority of the posts on this thread.
Number one, Brent is no leader and quite frankly, at what like 46 yrs old, who the hell thought he should be leading allergan? They should get the ass Whopping.
Number two, timing is horrific, the deal is highly unethical and just plain wrong. And how about the fact that he couldn't plan for this,.. years ago? We all know parents expire. So rather than plan for it overview timevjets have a mass fire drill of firings. Great leadership you worthless moron.

Number three, so great his goal was to ultimately sell the company and make his money. But well that's not what happened and clearly he in incapable, not respected with the organization, and a dumb ass. My blind deaf paraplegic grandma could do a better job running this company! shame on the shareholders for not getting ahold of this situation before it has spun out of control like it has.
This company has egg on its face. Doctors are shocked and disgusted at what we tried to pull with the mohawk deal. The constant shuffling and laying off of reps.
Who is really even working right now? I am working on my resume that's what I working on.

Some interesting comments on this string....

The Mohawk deal is inmoral and unethical. And the timing was terrible - as pointed out by a previous poster, they could have waited to see if it was necessary before taking such a high risk (and clearly flawed) position.

BS has demotivated thousands of hard working employees who loved and cared about their company. He has killed the culture of pride that once existed in legacy Forest and at legacy Allergan. That doesn't count the additional demotivated people that came out of legacy Durata and Actavis. Leaders motivate. BS has failed.

BS has let downt the share holders. The stock is undervalued now. I almost wish Ichan would step in again and force BS out. Payback, baby.....

And finally, BS is indeed no Howard Solomon. Mr Solomon respected his workers. He never laid people off. He focused on steady and consistent growth both for the company and for the stock. And he suceeeded for decades - not quarters like BS. BS was part of the crew that deomonized HS. Now karma is coming around on him, and I'm glad.

Icahn sold his AGN interest. He has no power to do anything.

Yeah everyone was saying it would be so terrible if we were purchased by Valeant and now look at us. BS has destroyed Allergan. We would have been better off with Valeant.

Definitely not the case. I hate layoffs as much as anyone, but I think it’s naive to think that a corporation would take it off the table as a tool.