Sarissa Blasts Pops

Look back to the CafePharma posts from February of 2020. A major stock publication then said we were "circling the drain"! Maybe its time for the "Turd in Chief" to finally exit the bowl and enter the sewer. After all he's already flushed away hundreds of millions of dollars of shareholder equity.

While Richard Pops was trying to manipulate the board, and was loosing buckets of shareholder money have a look at what Pete Norman has been up to. If you can stomach watch this link you will see a very thinly veiled message of intolerance for any form of religion that isn't Pete's version of Christian Fundamentalism.

Part of the warped culture here at Alkermes is tolerating that kind of public extremism from a Senior Vice President. So this right wing nut job is the guy best able to lobby the Biden administration? If that's what you think Rich you really do need to go.

Pops must have overtly and repeatedly dismissed and disrespected the guys at Sarissa for them to have taken the EXTAODINARY step of this kind of attack in a press conference. What the hell was he thinking? How does a CEO survive this kind of vote of no confidence from one of the biggest shareholders? don't have to be Nostradamus to know that its way past time for you to move on.

Fitting that this breaks just in time for Memorial Day. Now a moment of silence for the career of Richard Pops! As you Republicans like to say..."thoughts and prayers Rich, thoughts and prayers!"

Don't worry. Don't worry. All is under control. They have a bang up plan that is sure to right this ship and it is very simple. Ingenious if you really think about it. The plan? Hire more KAM's.

This problem of a founder staying too long in a position of leadership is so common that it has a name..."Founderitis" or "Founder's Syndrome". Most companies manage to address it before the company is destroyed. That's why Ben & Jerry's is no longer run by Ben & Jerry! Alkermes is just a little slow on the uptake, which has cost our shareholders hundreds of millions!

Here is a link to learn more about Founder's Syndrome. founderitis) is,a wide range of problems.

This problem of a founder staying too long in a position of leadership is so common that it has a name..."Founderitis" or "Founder's Syndrome". Most companies manage to address it before the company is destroyed. That's why Ben & Jerry's is no longer run by Ben & Jerry! Alkermes is just a little slow on the uptake, which has cost our shareholders hundreds of millions!

Here is a link to learn more about Founder's Syndrome.'s_syndrome#:~:text=Founder's syndrome (also founderitis) is,a wide range of problems.

The board needs to do a cost analysis and eliminate positions that don’t help generate revenue or move the needle. A good start would be looking into exactly what value the kams bring.

The board needs to do a cost analysis and eliminate positions that don’t help generate revenue or move the needle. A good start would be looking into exactly what value the kams bring.

Did you even read the press release from Sarissa? The board itself is the problem.

You expect the current board to suddenly become functional and competent? The board is a collection of cronies hand picked by Pops who do his bidding. They are a kleptocracy who only care about lining their own pockets and and serving their master who placed them on the board. The SEC needs to step in and force the board to restructure to serve the interests of the shareholders.

My favorite quote from the Sarissa press release: "Pops has presided over tremendous shareholder value destruction since becoming CEO of Alkermes over thirty years ago".

That says it all!

Let's remember that Sarissa owns a big chuck of Alkermes stock, so they have a vested interest in wanting to see the company prosper. Clearly they believe Pops needs to go and the board needs to be restructured. That speaks volumes.

Just hours before Sarissa issued its press attack on Pops, Alkermes issued this release of it's own. In case you missed it here it is.

Of course this was typical Alkermes bland corporate doublespeak trying to make the manipulation of the board by Pops look like a good think. Ever since Sarissa blasted Pops, the company has been strangely silent. Not a peep in the press and nothing on the website. I'm sure the c-suite and their hired spin doctors are trying to put the best face on all of this, and we'll see some lame-ass reply after the long holiday weekend.

Hey guys I have a tip for you...a shit sundae is still a shit sundae, no matter how much whipped cream and cherries you pile on top!

Just hours before Sarissa issued its press attack on Pops, Alkermes issued this release of it's own. In case you missed it here it is.

Of course this was typical Alkermes bland corporate doublespeak trying to make the manipulation of the board by Pops look like a good think. Ever since Sarissa blasted Pops, the company has been strangely silent. Not a peep in the press and nothing on the website. I'm sure the c-suite and their hired spin doctors are trying to put the best face on all of this, and we'll see some lame-ass reply after the long holiday weekend.

Hey guys I have a tip for you...a shit sundae is still a shit sundae, no matter how much whipped cream and cherries you pile on top!

I find the four days of silence on the part of Pops and the company strange too. There is nothing in the press or on the website again today. Isn't it a rule that when attacked in the press, at least reply to set the record straight? But maybe even Pops knows that his record is indefensible.

I find the four days of silence on the part of Pops and the company strange too. There is nothing in the press or on the website again today. Isn't it a rule that when attacked in the press, at least reply to set the record straight? But maybe even Pops knows that his record is indefensible.
I disagree. Pops assured us this morning that he "is, and always has been, committed to acting in the best interests of our shareholders, employees, patients, and other stakeholders." I'm satisfied. Golly gee...the man said so! How can we doubt that?

Stock price down 57% in past 4 years.

Let's put this another way. If in mid-February of 2018 you invested $100,000 in a simple, generic, off-the-shelf, unmanaged index fund linked to the S & P 500, today that investment would be worth $157,082...even after the recent dive in the market.

If you invested that same $100,000 in Alkermes stock, today it would be worth $42,640...a differential of $114,442!

Hey this you looking out for shareholders?