Santa Clara Student Got Meningitis B Despite Being Vaccinated with Bexsero



Finally what we told that moron Rino long ago has come to pass: Bexsero lacks the breadth of coverage to protect against more strains of Men B. Pfizer is going to eat your lunch for such idiot development laziness. Hope you are happy in your swanky villa, Rino.

Oops, I forgot that GSK hold the greasy bag now. Moncef will have to do spin control.


Finally what we told that moron Rino long ago has come to pass: Bexsero lacks the breadth of coverage to protect against more strains of Men B. Pfizer is going to eat your lunch for such idiot development laziness. Hope you are happy in your swanky villa, Rino.

Oops, I forgot that GSK hold the greasy bag now. Moncef will have to do spin control.
Just as with Influenza virus...lots of serotypes...not all covered by any particular polyvalent vaccine mixture.

Um, nitwit, this is bacterial, not viral. A much bigger problem. Is your name Rino?
I'm sure you think you are quite must be to remember all those lunch orders.
The point was antigenic diversity, and the difficulty in eliciting an appropriate immune response with a heterogeneous target agent (virus or bacterial). Refer to the difficulties with Pneumo vaccine candidates....then refer to your butt and see what your head is up to.

The point was antigenic diversity, and the difficulty in eliciting an appropriate immune response with a heterogeneous target agent (virus or bacterial). Refer to the difficulties with Pneumo vaccine candidates....then refer to your butt and see what your head is up to.

Um yes, and when the diversity is inferior to the competition, then where does that leave you Rino?

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