Sanofi DCV is an absolute disaster


I have been with this company over 15 years and I've never seen such a mess. It started prior to Kaplan, peaked in his regime and continues today.

The organization was faced with Lantus competition and Toujeo launch and what do we do, layoff 40% of the sales force and rearrange territories. Whoever they hired to reconfigure the territories needs to be made public. That company should be publicly flogged. What a fucking mess. We have people driving 2 hours from the west to a town 20 minutes to my south. I'm driving 3 hours north to cover a town 30 minutes from another territory.

Marketing is a nightmare. I should drive 2 hours to a clinic. There are 6 providers but I should only call on one. Then another rep should drive the same 2 hours and only call on another. Please stop this insanity. This model might work in a densely populated urban geography but most of the country does not fit this model. Give us a geography and be responsible for everything in it. if Sanofi wants to cut expenses fire all of marketing, they are proving year after year that they are incompetent.

DCV leadership lacks the courage and vision necessary to correct the course. It's time to try something different because what this organization has been doing is clearly not working.

Sales force management 101 teaches you that salespeople are totally useless when they are in the car, but highly effective when they have face time with the customer. Anything that reduces face time with customers is counterproductive.

There really is no excuse for screwing up the territories this badly when computer programs exist that can compute travel times between any two points with a minute or two. FedEx, UPS, and any other major distribution company can route their trucks so that every customer is served with the fewest number of vehicles on the street. It is incredible that a major pharma company can't use the same approach to figure out how to make more calls on more offices with the same number of sales personnel, while by-passing all the "no see" practices. The lunatics really are in charge of the asylum.

I have been with this company over 15 years and I've never seen such a mess. It started prior to Kaplan, peaked in his regime and continues today.

The organization was faced with Lantus competition and Toujeo launch and what do we do, layoff 40% of the sales force and rearrange territories. Whoever they hired to reconfigure the territories needs to be made public. That company should be publicly flogged. What a fucking mess. We have people driving 2 hours from the west to a town 20 minutes to my south. I'm driving 3 hours north to cover a town 30 minutes from another territory.

Marketing is a nightmare. I should drive 2 hours to a clinic. There are 6 providers but I should only call on one. Then another rep should drive the same 2 hours and only call on another. Please stop this insanity. This model might work in a densely populated urban geography but most of the country does not fit this model. Give us a geography and be responsible for everything in it. if Sanofi wants to cut expenses fire all of marketing, they are proving year after year that they are incompetent.

DCV leadership lacks the courage and vision necessary to correct the course. It's time to try something different because what this organization has been doing is clearly not working.

Don't worry Balzer is on it. Work harder so in 6 months they can lay you off


While we are at it, endless conference calls and busy work adhering to meaningless metrics need to go as well. Since we are tossing out ideas, how about one ABL for 12/15 reps instead of 6/7.

I have been with this company over 15 years and I've never seen such a mess. It started prior to Kaplan, peaked in his regime and continues today.

The organization was faced with Lantus competition and Toujeo launch and what do we do, layoff 40% of the sales force and rearrange territories. Whoever they hired to reconfigure the territories needs to be made public. That company should be publicly flogged. What a fucking mess. We have people driving 2 hours from the west to a town 20 minutes to my south. I'm driving 3 hours north to cover a town 30 minutes from another territory.

Marketing is a nightmare. I should drive 2 hours to a clinic. There are 6 providers but I should only call on one. Then another rep should drive the same 2 hours and only call on another. Please stop this insanity. This model might work in a densely populated urban geography but most of the country does not fit this model. Give us a geography and be responsible for everything in it. if Sanofi wants to cut expenses fire all of marketing, they are proving year after year that they are incompetent.

DCV leadership lacks the courage and vision necessary to correct the course. It's time to try something different because what this organization has been doing is clearly not working.

Annnnd yet you stay! What would it take for you to go? Who is dumber at this point? The sales peolple who continue to stay OR the leadership.

I'm not the op but I am in complete agreement. This company is a clown show. I stay because it's a paycheck and I don't give a flying fuck. I'll retire in 5 years so I don't really care. If I was a young man with kids and a mortgage I would not put my family at risk with this joke of a company. The individual who always post in defense of Sanofi and ask why people are here needs to pull his/her head out of their ass and take an objective look at where you work.

Sanofi management has always been the weak link at this company. Complete buffoonery. Kaplan was an embarrassment and every single person who signed off on his hire should be cleaning out his desk. 40% sales force reduction in diabetes with new products and play musical chairs with reps and have reps drive hours to make two calls on no see endos. The endless conference calls and Learning Gateway busy work is all counterproductive. Throw in the nightmare Veeva and you can see why company is circling the drain, This company can't get out of their own way.

The worst part is Scott O and all the other Novartis trash that came here brought a slew of fuckiups from Novartis here. Again lots of damage here. Amazing Novartis would hire Fink but she fit their mold. Scott O was highly incompetent and all these Novartis DSM's and RBL all are out of their league.

I've never seen such a disconnect with management and field sales . Let me guess what the next POA will be??
1. Endless role-playing
2. Dosing and efficacy
3. No discussion or action plan with formulary status
4. No business strategy on how to overcome cost - managed care- or patent infringement
5. Have a patent infringement workshop
6. Combating Amgen illegal sales tactics but hold Sanofi reps feet to the fire on compliance
7. More working lunches
8. 7am meetings with RBL's so they can flex their egos
9. Shit food- can we say Las Vegas( worst food ever at a POA)
10. Sheer boredom and drudgery

I call on my friends here to request change in management. What we are doing is not working. We need fundamental change.

Just let it go you "self entitlement" little bitch. You will find out very quickly that you are just a number and you will be surplussed out very soon. I just hope you have backup plan as you will never have this type of privileged job again.

Just let it go you "self entitlement" little bitch. You will find out very quickly that you are just a number and you will be surplussed out very soon. I just hope you have backup plan as you will never have this type of privileged job again.
I’m curious... if working at Sanofi is so “privileged” as you say, then why is there a rotating door at this company? Just look at the senior leadership turnover in this company. If it’s so great here, why do so many senior leaders have short tenure with this company? This company has no defense. It’s dead money.

It's the French. Same thing at all the other French companies I've worked with. Sanofi is no different. The French control everything from over there. The French way or else. Good execs are leaving because they won't abide.