I was told it's a 4 year contract that just started...interviews starting but the start date may be December. What have you heard?
Is this for the diabetes franchise?
no GI only
I apologize for being slow here, I'd deserve all the sarcastic responses I get. Is it really not for diabetes but for gi? I've never even heard of that indication and would be a massive game changer for my interest level. I recently interviewed and waiting to hear back.
From someone who actually knows what they're talking about, the Sanofi contract IS diabetes. Selling Lantus and Apidra. But due to today's announcement that Sanofi voluntarily pulled their GLP-1 NDA and plans to resubmit in 2015, not so sure that we reps will even make it to the phase 2 training in NJ. But you never know.
Any updates??
What is GI?
Wow! That's an unusual turn of events! I got to the finals of this interview process in Pittsburgh, but ultimately wasn't selected. Received offer for different contract shortly after. Maybe I dodged a bullet. What's up with the contract at this point? Moving forward, or not moving at all?
sanofi contract on hold. drug they were anticipating for approval did NOT get the green light.
Can anyone who has been hired give an update on salary and car allowance? Also how long is training and where?