Sample recovery/closeout SUSPENDED?


Just got a call yesterday from the company that was supposed to come get my samples.

They have as of Friday 10/26 SUSPENDED the recovery of my samples because Amarin updated my status and they don't know whether to do an annual inventory or a close out.

I have moved on and have interviews set up so there is no way I am staying, but this is a curious development. The status of my sample inventory was a CLOSEOUT on Wednesday 10/24 when they called me in the late afternoon.

were you one of the severed reps or did you keep your job? If you were not severed, this is a horrible way to find out you are losing your job. Almost as bad as having your AMEX declined.

I saw a "sales force termination checklist". They want every piece of literature.

I am inserting magazines into the piles of sales aids I have to send back.

It will cost them a fortune.

filling the cooler with bricks too.

I reset every password to "screw you Joe Z"

As for the few that made it, times up. The fda hammered the last nail into the coffin last week.

A fantastic product. Terrible leadership

I saw a "sales force termination checklist". They want every piece of literature.

I am inserting magazines into the piles of sales aids I have to send back.

It will cost them a fortune.

filling the cooler with bricks too.

I reset every password to "screw you Joe Z"

As for the few that made it, times up. The fda hammered the last nail into the coffin last week.

A fantastic product. Terrible leadership

They'll have to get the literature at the recycling facility! I got rid of it as soon as they laid us off.