Salesforce Reduction

Coming very soon. That is what companys do to reduce cogs.

Mark this post......they will probably dump the people in the field making it happen (minus the kiss asses that have the institutions). The connected ones who havent hit goal all 5 quarters will be retained. So sick of this crap. Punish the ones who created and made the company money for the last 5 quarters.

Mark my words.......already see the distance starting to be created.


Can't fight city hall but on a brighter note, I think sales are going to improve particularly in the private practice Urology accounts. The issues of reimbursement uncertainty and cost density appear to be resolved with some new service being offered to private practices. There is a you tube video on the program but I am not sure I can include it. What the heck, here it is and hopefully this message makes it through the filters.