Salesforce expanding?

Joe Z writing posts again?
dang.. there aren't new reps.. they are getting rid of the current reps..
REDUCE-IT has been a huge drain; COG's too high so not able to sell VASCEPA..

put lipstick on a pig its still a pig!

yeah, i think the improved insurance coverage and word of mouth results has V exploding. Plus, it's pretty obvious that we're making progress on the balance sheet when we can hire like this. Probably related to the reduced COGs as we improved the supply chain. I'm so glad to be a rep for V!

yeah, i think the improved insurance coverage and word of mouth results has V exploding. Plus, it's pretty obvious that we're making progress on the balance sheet when we can hire like this. Probably related to the reduced COGs as we improved the supply chain. I'm so glad to be a rep for V!

Keep drinking that fish flavored koolaid!

yeah, they got rid of a few bad performers (who are crying as if there are wide spread layoffs, lol). They are replacing them and adding quite a few to the mix. Just look at the job openings and you'll see :)

Had my best week last week, kicking ass and taking names. I hope we are expanding I can't keep up I. My territory ! I have a few docs every week switching from Lovaza, can't wait to get out tomorrow!!!!

Had my best week last week, kicking ass and taking names. I hope we are expanding I can't keep up I. My territory ! I have a few docs every week switching from Lovaza, can't wait to get out tomorrow!!!!

You really should vary your posts - this is essentially the same post you have made previously?