Sales Simulation


Moving forward Amgen will be assessing all sales reps at sales meetings. We will be tested for both knowledge and compliance. If we don't pass we have to stay an extra day and if we fail a second time we can go on a performance review or even lose our jobs.

Moving forward Amgen will be assessing all sales reps at sales meetings. We will be tested for both knowledge and compliance. If we don't pass we have to stay an extra day and if we fail a second time we can go on a performance review or even lose our jobs.

And where is your source. I'm inside and never heard of any such policy.

Moving forward Amgen will be assessing all sales reps at sales meetings. We will be tested for both knowledge and compliance. If we don't pass we have to stay an extra day and if we fail a second time we can go on a performance review or even lose our jobs.

Do we still to get to drink for free on the 'extra day'?

Let the sales simulation occur! Perhaps we should have the training folks be the first to roleplay so that we can see how to do things the right way (actually what not to do right KW). Then once they show us how much they don't know then they can be the first to be fired and we can all save some money. Little Napoleon couldn't sell fire to an eskimo.

Let the sales simulation occur! Perhaps we should have the training folks be the first to roleplay so that we can see how to do things the right way (actually what not to do right KW). Then once they show us how much they don't know then they can be the first to be fired and we can all save some money. Little Napoleon couldn't sell fire to an eskimo.

it's heat to an eskimo dumb ass. and i told you, just because you didn't get to swallow there is no reason to hold a grudge. so just stop it. you'll have another chance to smoke my pipe. this time i will give you the full load, just like you cried for.

Really, did you miss the opening presentation? The CIA and how we'd be doing things differently? Open your ears.

And? He said Amgen would have to report more data to the government. That's it. No mention whatsoever of streamlining training. I was there. He never said one iota about "assessing all reps at sales meetings."

And? He said Amgen would have to report more data to the government. That's it. No mention whatsoever of streamlining training. I was there. He never said one iota about "assessing all reps at sales meetings."

You simply didn't listen. Can't help you with that. Been working on the team to develop this for the past 4 months so believe whatever the hell you want.

And? He said Amgen would have to report more data to the government. That's it. No mention whatsoever of streamlining training. I was there. He never said one iota about "assessing all reps at sales meetings."

amazing. so you're surprised that someone posted something on CP that is a lie? not true? this entire site is based on anonymous posts of people saying terrible things about their company or their co-workers. when you business model is immoral why would you expect those who use to behave with morals? this site generates millions in advertising dollars off of anger and hatred. Off the lunatic fringe that is unhappy with the world and believe everyone but them is responsible. so silly and immature for you to say 'how dare you post an untruth'. you need to hear a real truth which is grow up and don't expect a tabloid to be a credible source.

amazing. so you're surprised that someone posted something on CP that is a lie? not true? this entire site is based on anonymous posts of people saying terrible things about their company or their co-workers. when you business model is immoral why would you expect those who use to behave with morals? this site generates millions in advertising dollars off of anger and hatred. Off the lunatic fringe that is unhappy with the world and believe everyone but them is responsible. so silly and immature for you to say 'how dare you post an untruth'. you need to hear a real truth which is grow up and don't expect a tabloid to be a credible source.

Kenny are you listening?!