Sales Reps hired by Amarin

Why would Amarin spend all this time and money hiring Sales Reps if another company is going to buy them out? What will happen to the Reps?

It wouldn't be the first time that it happened. Amylin hired reps and even had an equity offering less than 6 months before it was purchased by BMS. The reps are absorbed by the purchasing company. This may result in overlap (depending on the resources that exist in the requirer). Reps are either moved around or there is downsizing. Layoffs can be on the side of the purchased company or the parents company. Many factors play into that decision.

Amarin has hired 275 sales reps to launch Vascepa. From a presentation by Joe Z., Amarin CEO, at the JP Morgan Conference yesterday, Amarin has hired the "pick of the litter" by hiring seasoned reps with a minimum of 3 years of years of CV sales experience with relationships in place to immediately drive Vascepa prescriptions.

Here's the link to the presentation:

What an absolute joke. There are NO "pick of the litter" reps or managers at this company. They couldn't pay enough for them. As major insurance companies continue to opt for generics, there is no fat chance for Vascepa. Sorry folks.

What an absolute joke. There are NO "pick of the litter" reps or managers at this company. They couldn't pay enough for them. As major insurance companies continue to opt for generics, there is no fat chance for Vascepa. Sorry folks.

I'd have to agree, in that during my interview I was told the salary was 63K, non-negotiable. They are not going to pick off any successful CV reps with 3+ years experience at that price, unless they luck into a great rep who just got laid off.

I'd have to agree, in that during my interview I was told the salary was 63K, non-negotiable. They are not going to pick off any successful CV reps with 3+ years experience at that price, unless they luck into a great rep who just got laid off.

Its because this is a big game. Amarin is just getting the supply chain ready for a big Pharma company who is going to look at Lovaza's market and decide to to buy Amarin once the FDA decides the period of exclusivity for Vascepa. Hiring sales reps is just a bargaining tool in the negotiations. That's why the package was so minimal. Whether you think this is a good product or not, reps from AZN, PFE, Merck, or GSK will most likely be the ones selling this products

If you are an investor you are making a big mistake looking for info on Cafepharma. It's a rumor board and place for pissed off ex-employees for the most part. There are no ex employees at Amarin...

Amarin has hired 275 sales reps to launch Vascepa. From a presentation by Joe Z., Amarin CEO, at the JP Morgan Conference yesterday, Amarin has hired the "pick of the litter" by hiring seasoned reps with a minimum of 3 years of years of CV sales experience with relationships in place to immediately drive Vascepa prescriptions.

Here's the link to the presentation:

I agree. I met several reps from Amarin and they are seasoned reps with years of experience. They also have key relations. Amarin hired smart!!

Still bashing Amarin, I see. Amarin needs no pumping, and neither does Vascepa. Lovaza on the other hand needs a lot of pumping, because its run is over.

Perhaps you should take a look at the prescription numbers. From what I have read, it looks like they current average is less than 1 prescription per week per rep for Vascepa.

What an absolute joke. There are NO "pick of the litter" reps or managers at this company. They couldn't pay enough for them. As major insurance companies continue to opt for generics, there is no fat chance for Vascepa. Sorry folks.

There is no generic Vascepa, Drs must prescribe real thing ...real results=real BIG $$$.I hope you do more DD.