Sales Outsourcing

Do not be surprised when they kick you out because now a CSO has taken your position.

no one is saying they would be surprised- only noticing that there are obviously trolls for competitors here separately trying to find out our next sales force move- it's not a bad too remeber who pays our salary.. Good judgement to be discretionary about who we share with.
can not and shoild not trust an anonymous inquiry as bold as this op

no one is saying they would be surprised- only noticing that there are obviously trolls for competitors here separately trying to find out our next sales force move- it's not a bad too remeber who pays our salary.. Good judgement to be discretionary about who we share with.
can not and shoild not trust an anonymous inquiry as bold as this op

correction desperate replace separate... actually they are quite a bit if both- they are desperate and separate, as in outsiders- otherwise they would not be mining On CP

yes, they do outsource to contract reps in some markets......doesn't make sense but the ivory tower folks in SSF have been sold the bill of goods by Inventiv. Don't be surprised if this continues to expand across the company.

yes, they do outsource to contract reps in some markets......doesn't make sense but the ivory tower folks in SSF have been sold the bill of goods by Inventiv. Don't be surprised if this continues to expand across the company.

What's the "bill of goods"? That you're complacent, lazy and make too much? Afraid of those who have experienced a little career adversity and have a better attitude and work ethic than you? Explain yourself cowardly bitch.

CSO message to company is pretty easy sell.... "We save you money$!, you can fire us when you want, no penalty! Plenty of talent to get job done! We save you MONEY $$, and in case we forgot to mention save $$$$"

CSO message to company is pretty easy sell.... "We save you money$!, you can fire us when you want, no penalty! Plenty of talent to get job done! We save you MONEY $$, and in case we forgot to mention save $$$$"

And these messages hit the right chord because think of the situation:
- Sales forces are expensive
- Reps and managers are spoiled brats (especially here)
- They are inflexible
- You can't always have them when and where you need them
- The don't follow direction
- They are complacent and not hungry

No wonder the CSO message gets ears.

And these messages hit the right chord because think of the situation:
- Sales forces are expensive
- Reps and managers are spoiled brats (especially here)
- They are inflexible
- You can't always have them when and where you need them
- The don't follow direction
- They are complacent and not hungry

No wonder the CSO message gets ears.

CSO's make total sense. It's a good business move, and the future of the industry as a whole.

CSO is the future. Why pay reps at Genentech in Oncology 250-300K in wages and benefits to see 2-3 docs a week in Oncology. CSO can save Genentech easily 100K+ per position in a heartbeat. Pretty easy, just give someone an iPad, a little breakfast and lunch money and a list.