Sales force reorg

No, that is the ONLY divison making money for the company. Competition can't make the compound in Ferrlecit so consider your jobs safe. Urology is going to stay and LTC do I even have to say what is going to happen. Look at the numbers as well as the amounts of reps who have left. The writing is on the wall.

Sales force reorganization? Make me laugh! Did all the financial analyst' s scream "Reorganize the sales force"? Nooo, they said past performance by management and under estimating sales and profits lead us to down grade the Watson stock. Boy, we get goals that are "pie in the sky" and, what, 8% made it but management gets a pass. Would it have been nice if management spent 1.9Bil on drugs brand side could sell? Why do I keep hearing margin on generics is very low compared to brand drugs? Hello, anyone listening? Does anyone remember how we(most people gone by now) turned generic O.C.'s into brand drugs and SOLD them? We had some backing then, but most management got too big for their panties, thinking they knew what was best for the company. (Was it only 100mil)? Why can't I get sales aids that say something positive and logical about a drug? Is it that hard, b.r.?

Sorry Gold Team-Youa re outta here come June...Best of Luck

Please enlighten us Gold team folks...
How do you know this? Why is upper level mgmt telling us our jobs are safe? Give me the cold hard facts and then I'll believe you. Not saying you're lying because with this company anything is possible but if you know something concrete please tell...

Man o' man. People there is nothing to worry about. I have a good chat with my mananger about this situation and all the rumors that are flying. We are not going anywhere. I love the paranoia though. People chill out, and lets pray we obtain our ridiculous quotas.

I heard from my manager that if you drop your pants in a doctor's office and yell "Somebody yank this! Stat!" Then your chances of making, nay, exceeding your quota literally double.

Get back to work, losers.

just heard that bottum 20% of sales force are gone by June 1st, POA the third week with all remaining force. There will be some reps that will be "asked" to go into the LTC division. New Gold division will not be calling on LTC anymore. The question is who and how are "they" going to decide who does what?

First of all, there is no perfect company out there. Secondly, if you focus on sales and not this dribble, you may be in a better position when interviewing if/when this supposed lay-off takes place. Lastly, I have never seen such immature whining, pathetic spelling and unsubstantiated speculation. Work when you are supposed to and get a life the remainder of the time...a positive life. It makes for a better attitude and general outlook on life. Sheesh!

First of all, there is no perfect company out there. Secondly, if you focus on sales and not this dribble, you may be in a better position when interviewing if/when this supposed lay-off takes place. Lastly, I have never seen such immature whining, pathetic spelling and unsubstantiated speculation. Work when you are supposed to and get a life the remainder of the time...a positive life. It makes for a better attitude and general outlook on life. Sheesh!

By you reponding to these posts, then aren't you in someway contributing to this "dribble"?...And next time I am on here I will definitely be looking for the "spell check" button before I submit a measly little comment. Lastly, quit preaching to others to "get a life", when you are obviously on here posting as well.
Lighten up, take a deep breath.

I happen to agree that there is nothing but negative "whining" that goes on here and on every other company board in here. I think it has a counterproductive effect but hey I don't care who gets fired or laid off as long as I don't. Bs or whine away! It's entertaining.