How about dumping R Heun from PC. One marvels at how many years this complete moronic excuse for "Dir of Sales" is still around. He would be perfect for Curly on new Three Stooges Movie. No script neede, just let him be himself. Dude has truly "Nyuk Nyuked" his way through a career.

Sounds like someone got shitcanned from Conmed. Heard that Conmed Legal was looking into finding out who all these losers are that have been posting derogatory, sexual harassment remarks and possible SEC violations regarding Conmed. Now I know why. I hope they find out who you Cowardly Idiots are. Everyone in Conmed knows that this is one of the better divsions to work for because of its leadership from its management. Maybe if you spent more time on the job vs choking your chicken and posting messages you could keep a job. Heard that Arbys is looking for Janitors..

Rick Heun is a True Professional! I have worked for him for seven plus years. He has all the attributes of a great leader - ambitious, goal/results oriented, high energy, high integrity - very positive and passionate in both his job and personal life. The PC Sales team is very loyal to him and most importantly we have the utmost respect for him!

Have been with PC Div for 10 years. RH and JS are good people! Yeah Karma is a Bitch for you LOSER. Must be tough having to interview for a new job every two years. They obviously made the right decision when they fired you Dickhead!

Have been with PC Div for 10 years. RH and JS are good people! Yeah Karma is a Bitch for you LOSER. Must be tough having to interview for a new job every two years. They obviously made the right decision when they fired you Dickhead!

Thanks for the response RH. This time you spelled your words correctly. Remember, an overhead projector is not run from your lap top.

Rick's a class act. I was part of the Advanced Patient Monitoring team that was recently dissolved and he has helped out several of us with reference letters and directing us to recruiters in the Medical Device business. We didn't even report to him!! Many of his reps and managers in the division frequently stated he is the glue that keeps that div running. Now stop bashing good people and use your time and energy by volunteering for a good charitable cause.

Rick's a class act. I was part of the Advanced Patient Monitoring team that was recently dissolved and he has helped out several of us with reference letters and directing us to recruiters in the Medical Device business. We didn't even report to him!! Many of his reps and managers in the division frequently stated he is the glue that keeps that div running. Now stop bashing good people and use your time and energy by volunteering for a good charitable cause.

I don't think the RH comments have anything to do with layoffs. It is difficult that anyone gets layed off. I think the point of reference was thoughts about this person in their position to others in that division.