I have noticed some ex Lilly sales managers and directors are now with Myriad? I guess they could not make it with the big boys. I hear they are not very good.
I have noticed some ex Lilly sales managers and directors are now with Myriad? I guess they could not make it with the big boys. I hear they are not very good.
Or...maybe that is old news and your a piece of shit who is trying to start something up. I mean really, people have been abandoning Lilly for a long time. BTW, who are the best Managers and Directors at Myriad?
Why is this person a troll? Companies are typically not “dumping grounds” for any one company. Someone leaves a good job for a better job and tells there former colleagues and friends about it. Then they come over to the better opportunity. Who’s the troll now?
they acted like they had no idea that anyone from Lilly was now at Myriad - as if that is news or something. Even a non-employee could easily gleen this info just from scanning this board, for example.
I have noticed some ex Lilly sales managers and directors are now with Myriad? I guess they could not make it with the big boys. I hear they are not very good.