Sale of Vision Care

Now is a great time to sell Vision Care. B+L business is at its peak and its potential is best if it is sold to another Vision Care company.

Consider the money the sale will give Valeant to purchase more Pharma companies. Greater synergies than Vision Care to the rest of Valeant businesses.

I'm not tapped into the grapevine but have picked up a few indications that may support this. Could just be reading too much into it so who knows. VC doesn't fit into the Valeant pharma model.

I'm not tapped into the grapevine but have picked up a few indications that may support this. Could just be reading too much into it so who knows. VC doesn't fit into the Valeant pharma model.

It will have to be sold this year to retain its value. No new products mean it has to be flipped fast so the new company can revive the R&D pipeline.

Vision Care is a golden goose. But Veronica wants a golden egg now and Willy Wonka will not give it to her.

Drop the price a little and Vision Care is going to fetch a good price.

Good idea. Selling Vision Care would just be a drop in the bucket for Valeant so if they are considering doing this it would be very low on their priority list.

More interesting is what Ackman is up to. Major selling of divisions/former companies will be his push as he seems to influence what happens in these companies.

Anything is possible if the price is right.

You don't understand what motivates Valeant. Look at their history of buying and selling. Almost no selling. They want product sales, not asset sales. They spend every day trying to find opportunities to add product sales and reduce associated costs. They'll buy anything, just recently oncology drugs, animal health business, diagnostic equipment, etc.

They have no interest in selling assets unless they are really dragging the company down. Vision Care isn't and is nowhere near that threshold.

Zero chance.

I disagree. Someone wanting to get into the Optometric space is going to want both. Also, don't forget the OTC products are a lot bigger than just the solution. If its sold it will all go together.

I'm new to the company and like the market. My only question is how long will valeant allow us to be #4 out of 4. I really hope these new lenses take off in a big way and we can climb the ladder back to #1. Would be epic to be part of something special like that. Thoughts?

I'm new to the company and like the market. My only question is how long will valeant allow us to be #4 out of 4. I really hope these new lenses take off in a big way and we can climb the ladder back to #1. Would be epic to be part of something special like that. Thoughts?

What planet are you on dude!!! Valeant don't give dog shit about lenses, if they did think about what they would do to get to no. 1? Now ask yourself what are they doing?

Valeant have 2 things in mind, what new company will they acquire, then cut cut cut.
Increase $$ for share holders.
In the meantime all the bought companies are left with no $$ being pumped in to barely survive! Being No 1 is not an option Dude