
To answer your question, it’s a green leafy vegetable with a long stalk. Typically cut up and used in salads. It also helps as a side dish addition to Buffalo wings.

Some clever moms also use it covered in peanut butter and sprinkled with raisins. They serve it to their kids, calling it ants on a log. It’s a very nutritious snack!

This place is a joke.
They want to have people zoom interview with an action plan and digital brag book on the first interview
Who do these people think they are
Get past the first interview and see if people click before asking them to work for free.
Not impressed

This place is a joke.
They want to have people zoom interview with an action plan and digital brag book on the first interview
Who do these people think they are
Get past the first interview and see if people click before asking them to work for free.
Not impressed
Wow, if that’s all true, fuck them. Who do they think they are? A fucking no name company no one’s ever heard of!?! And they’re going to pull this type of shit? Puleeeze!!!!!

Yes this is true, If you don’t have your rankings or awards on the zoom interview they want you to email those in so they can view them and examine them with a fine tooth comb.
The bus plan they want the information that you know about the territory.
This is all true and it’s on the first interview. And I hear no one makes a base pay over 100K ?

What’s the highest base someone can make here ?
Let’s say a rep that’s had 20 years experience and it’s a veteran here ?
What would there base possibly be here ?

The interview process was a breeze. Granted I woke up in a bathtub full of ice and a note telling me to go to the hospital because they removed my kidney for Dan in Ohio because he’s Exeltis biatch selling reps down the river.

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