
Sales are down, profits are up, not good for any company. One reason profits are up is that GSK pays the U.S. sales force like crap, true!
The other reason profits are up is the continual sales force downsizing.
Best get out of this shit show if you can.
For those who can't get out it's more likely you are afraid to leave, really- so sad.
The beating will continue and continue and the morale will never improve.

Sales are down, profits are up, not good for any company. One reason profits are up is that GSK pays the U.S. sales force like crap, true!
The other reason profits are up is the continual sales force downsizing.
Best get out of this shit show if you can.
For those who can't get out it's more likely you are afraid to leave, really- so sad.
The beating will continue and continue and the morale will never improve.

Spot on. Anyone who thinks differently is just being foolish.

Spot on. Anyone who thinks differently is just being foolish.
Sales down, profits up...........means very good financial and resource management you moron.........The key is R&D.......we need products to sell or we need to acquire........this CLT is trying to do that......pretty hard when Witty gives you a situation that has both of your hands tied behind your back. My advice........if you are committed hang in there........if you are yourself and the company a favor and leave so those who want to be a part of the solution can get it done!

Sales down, profits up...........means very good financial and resource management you moron.........The key is R&D.......we need products to sell or we need to acquire........this CLT is trying to do that......pretty hard when Witty gives you a situation that has both of your hands tied behind your back. My advice........if you are committed hang in there........if you are yourself and the company a favor and leave so those who want to be a part of the solution can get it done!
Sorry but Witty has been gone for quite some time.