Salary reduction for reps in 2012?


Many reps in the Neuroscience division got increases last year, I know becuase I was one of them. Funny how it was not supposed to happen but it did for many of us.

Many in many divisions vaccines, hospital, neuro, respiratory, cardio and pc can share this opinion...but how do you define increases. Pennies or something worth talking about. Increases are worth discussion. Mine was hardly seen in the check.

About time! Sales people have been overpaid and given way too many 'perks' for way too long. As Contract Sales people can be had for way less, I'm guessing the cuts will bring your bloated salaries more in-line with the rest of the organization.
Contract reps are awful and loyalty to someone with years of fruitful experience and sales should be rewarded! If Merck fails in this one then they will never be able to hire and retain good folks! Someday this stupid market will turn and marketing will again need great salesmen..not just cookie delivers with a 36D and about the same IQ! When you have no background of loyalty or a great place to work and sustain a career then Merck will be doomed to end up like Pfizer or Sanofi-Aventis where nobody wants to go and nobody wants to stay! Merck has already killed themselves in recent years with multiple unnecessary territory changes for some idiotic MBA assesment! We destroyed relationships and lost all the goodwill we'd built up for years for commercial model my's still the same job and we just renamed it! The promenade deck on the 'Titanic' was still the promenade deck even when it was covered with ice and saltwater!

About time! Sales people have been overpaid and given way too many 'perks' for way too long. As Contract Sales people can be had for way less, I'm guessing the cuts will bring your bloated salaries more in-line with the rest of the organization.

yeah, your right. We cant take our customers to lunch or dinner. We cant take them to a play. How about this one? We cant take them golfing. We cant stay at anything more than a 3 star hotel if we travel or if we attend meetings. We no longer have a "fee" company car. We cant even book our own airplane tickets and get credit for the mileage-it all goes back to the company. Lets not forget this one: we cant send our customers a Christmas card! Fantastic on that one! We cant even out a pen or scratch pad to our customers. We have had our deductibles and premiums skyrocket even though we are in the industry that saves lives. We no longer get points for using the company credit card when purchasing things. We cant take them to any kind of sporting event. Better not take your customer skiing and then out for a lunch later! Yes, all things that every other sales industry has, yet we have too many perks? Sure thing there ******-toes. go back to your cubicle and suck some balls

yeah, your right. We cant take our customers to lunch or dinner. We cant take them to a play. How about this one? We cant take them golfing. We cant stay at anything more than a 3 star hotel if we travel or if we attend meetings. We no longer have a "fee" company car. We cant even book our own airplane tickets and get credit for the mileage-it all goes back to the company. Lets not forget this one: we cant send our customers a Christmas card! Fantastic on that one! We cant even out a pen or scratch pad to our customers. We have had our deductibles and premiums skyrocket even though we are in the industry that saves lives. We no longer get points for using the company credit card when purchasing things. We cant take them to any kind of sporting event. Better not take your customer skiing and then out for a lunch later! Yes, all things that every other sales industry has, yet we have too many perks? Sure thing there ******-toes. go back to your cubicle and suck some balls

wah, wah, wah....I can't do anything anymore. Mommy help, they've taken my toys away.

About time they cut the little piggies from the trough.

Can't wait for the next round of downsizing-I hope you're on the list.

Be thankful you have a damn job.

wah, wah, wah....I can't do anything anymore. Mommy help, they've taken my toys away.

About time they cut the little piggies from the trough.

Can't wait for the next round of downsizing-I hope you're on the list.

Be thankful you have a damn job.

Hey you fat slob-why dont you go out and start your own company. Lets see how much of the merck culture you would bring to your new company. Yeah, I didnt think you would bring any of it. Good job there you fruittyass bastard. I will be and S3 too-got the call yesterday.

Hey you fat slob-why dont you go out and start your own company. Lets see how much of the merck culture you would bring to your new company. Yeah, I didnt think you would bring any of it. Good job there you fruittyass bastard. I will be and S3 too-got the call yesterday.

Just another piggy, piggy, piggy complaining that the company is cutting back on the food in the trough....oink-oink-oink.

yeah, your right. We cant take our customers to lunch or dinner. We cant take them to a play. How about this one? We cant take them golfing. We cant stay at anything more than a 3 star hotel if we travel or if we attend meetings. We no longer have a "fee" company car. We cant even book our own airplane tickets and get credit for the mileage-it all goes back to the company. Lets not forget this one: we cant send our customers a Christmas card! Fantastic on that one! We cant even out a pen or scratch pad to our customers. We have had our deductibles and premiums skyrocket even though we are in the industry that saves lives. We no longer get points for using the company credit card when purchasing things. We cant take them to any kind of sporting event. Better not take your customer skiing and then out for a lunch later! Yes, all things that every other sales industry has, yet we have too many perks? Sure thing there ******-toes. go back to your cubicle and suck some balls

This is a joke right? Sales get paid to do this stuff? No wonder this industry is so messed up.

This is a joke right? Sales get paid to do this stuff? No wonder this industry is so messed up.

Your both a bunch of fruittyass bastards. Yes, this is what sales people normally do in other industries. Do some reading you bunch of fruitcakes. Better yet, just look around. You see those folks at the dinner table next to you-some of them are customer/buyer relationships you idiots. Where do you freaks come from? You mus be one from the 30 crowd-you know, the ones who dont know anything real about selling and are masters at sitting at home drawing up "account plans" and then sending out the brown nose messages to make everybody think your actually working. Give it a look-those guys having coffee next to you in the morning while you are there expensing your morning coffee reading the sports page-thats a sales thing gong on there mr. make-believe. Get lost loser. Learn whats real.

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