Salary ranges for DM s and reps


Just got the salary ranges from my recruiter who is reliable and she had been straight with me.

Distict managers: base-$115-130 and maybe higher. bonus $34,600 at plan and uncapped. Stock options: 5,0000
Cars: Volvo S60 T5, Ford Taurus (leather upgrade) Ford Escape (leather upgrade)

Reps: $65,00 target and $21,000 target bonus. with 2-5 years experinece: $65-72,000, bewteen 5-7 years experince: $71-74,000 base, between 7-10 years: 73-80,000 base with about 10-15% more in high cost of living areas.

Stock options: 3,000

Car: Ford Foucs (white or champagne colors)

Good luck to all!

just rcvd offer today. with 8 yrs of dm exp they came so low. this is obnoxious. clearly they aren't looking for talent, just "excited leaders" to help drive yet another potentially great product into mediocrity. c'est la. maybe an unproven promotable hospital rep would be better suited for what they are shooting for. not saying that is bad, there are phenomenal less experienced leaders out there but you can't expect the sun and moon while shooting for the clouds. nice, eh?

just rcvd offer today. with 8 yrs of dm exp they came so low. this is obnoxious. clearly they aren't looking for talent, just "excited leaders" to help drive yet another potentially great product into mediocrity. c'est la. maybe an unproven promotable hospital rep would be better suited for what they are shooting for. not saying that is bad, there are phenomenal less experienced leaders out there but you can't expect the sun and moon while shooting for the clouds. nice, eh?

I call BS on this post. I think you are a past employee who got let go. I know exactly who you are. Move along.

just rcvd offer today. with 8 yrs of dm exp they came so low. this is obnoxious. clearly they aren't looking for talent, just "excited leaders" to help drive yet another potentially great product into mediocrity. c'est la. maybe an unproven promotable hospital rep would be better suited for what they are shooting for. not saying that is bad, there are phenomenal less experienced leaders out there but you can't expect the sun and moon while shooting for the clouds. nice, eh?

Ha ha...sounds like you didn't get the job and now you are making up a little story to make yourself feel better.

DSM's train reps on how it "should be done" but they would have no idea how to sell if the tables were turned. Times have changed fellas.

It's important that you realize that DSM's are better, more important and more intelligent people than reps. Now...uh... where did I leave my car keys? Did I leave my cell phone in your car on the last field trip? Why doesn't anyone respect me?


Great company to work for but feeling kind of emberrassed by the comments posted by our employees. Face it we dont pay as well as most pharmaceutical companies. It is just a reality. Great culture low pay. Most of the profits are going to upper management. Yes you are not going to make much here but the environment is great. The bonus really isnt there that us a fact