salary range


Can anyone let me know what the typical salary range is for someone with 5+ years of epilepsy, neurology, & CNS experience. Im going on an interview and I do not want to price myself too low or high. thanks for the help.

The place (Lundbeck) offers very crappy salary, they try to lowball everyone who interviews, I know it's difficult but when they ask about the salary you're looking for in the phone interview I would be honest with them, you don't want to go thru the interview process and end up getting a crappy offer like many already did.

I could not disagree more with the above 2 posts. This is a great, small company with a bright future and a unique culture-more biotech than pharma-ish. Products may be difficult to sell but meet unmet medical needs. Typical salary range for hiring is in the 80's-100k, tops. Company hopes to expand in a year or so. In the meantime, be prepared to drive alot as the territories are large.

Above posters failed to mention this is a company that developed celexa, lexapro, namenda and azilect and has a large and robust pipeline. Good Luck!

That above post is for sure management, hr, or someone drunk with a good sense of humor.
Run, run like the wind. This is a company filled with old timers (which here equates to anyone who stays more than a year) with big titles who are used to running their little mud puddle but now have to answer to their new owners. Case in point: they won't even change the name on this blog board because, as seems the case with everything, they resist change, knowledge, education and anything that might make them a legitimate company. Money(bonuses) seems to be the only goal of these people at any cost and they appear to me to be aggressive, passive aggressive, ignorant and just plain annoying. Get out before you get in. They may offer you lots of money but believe me it won't be worth it.