Salary range for Sales Professional position

Thanks for info. Car allowance (depending on plan) can be a perk or it can be a real money-loser if large territory and the company requires you to drive a 1-2 yr old car. This territory covers 4 states.

Is the job on the Rx side or aesthetic side? Salary varies depending on what business unit you work and based on experience. 90-110 is the most accurate range. No messages about losing our fleet Vechicles has been communicated.
Our current fleet cars are GMC Denalis.

Is the job on the Rx side or aesthetic side? Salary varies depending on what business unit you work and based on experience. 90-110 is the most accurate range. No messages about losing our fleet Vechicles has been communicated.
Our current fleet cars are GMC Denalis.
Thx. This particular vacancy is an Rx backfill

All the talent done up and let this company years ago bro , you got chops , don't waste your time collecting sigs from offices & talking pharmacies with this clown show . But if you want steady paycheck and look good in UPS brown , then by all means join the JV team that makes up Rx sales

JV team lol.
Sounds like your a disgruntled former employee, prob laid off cause your numbers blew! Galderma still has tons of
Talent in Rx! Sorry you couldn’t hack it here loser

WAY OFF on both....whoever told you that doesn’t either. Ive been here awhile, i love it and if you get a chance to get onboard, do it! We rarely have openings
OP here. Thanks - the couple people that work there seem happy enough to stay. What's the range? Maybe a better question is what should be my #?

I had 8 years experience and started at 90k base. Up closer to 100k three years later. Commission is 48k at goal but have made much more each year. No way they are getting rid of cars. They just upgraded us to GMC Acadia Denali. Love this company and the future looks bright. Had some rough turnover a few years ago but things are looking great now.