Salary Offers

Sorry that you weren't smart enough to ask for a sign on bonus. But that ARE offering them. You have to ask and show if you are leaving money on the table by leaving your current job. I got a nice bonus and know a few people who did too ,

If I leave before end of June I lost a quarterly bonus, they are at least matching that in a sign on bonus. Great salary too....20% bump. I'm so excited to work for this amazing company

They didn't and again they don't....wake up.

Each situation is different. With my original phone screen done by a recruiter they asked what I was making, or made as I was down-sized from my last pharma job. I bumped up the base by a few thousand and they said I was right in the ball park in terms of salary potential. When I was eventually offered the job ( 6 months ago, open territory) my base went up just under 5 grand.

I had to provide proof before I got my offer. My base went up over 15k and my sign on bonus was 8k. , the sign on bonus is divided up to be paid out half in 60 days and the other half at my 1 year anniversary.