Salary for reps?


interviewing for assoicate (recent college grad here), and they pay is around 75k/year. not bad. was wondering what I could make in 5-10 years if I get promoted. thanks!

My colleague just left to go there. He said its an 80k base and 170k@plan for his first year in the major NE city. Right now with the commissions he said he would make 140k no problem.

Now that September 15th has come and gone and your income from selling compound creams has virtually been cut in half if your lucky, you may be wondering what am I going to do now? If you have your relationships already in place with Pain Management docs, then getting their Toxicology business should be an easy sell. Toxicology sales is an easy way to keep the dollars flowing in. Even if other areas of pharma sales are going through hard times Toxicology sales are just getting started.

We have nationwide opportunities for the right people with a very gernerous commission schedule. If you would like to find out some more information...fax your resume to 410-630-7266.