On my third interview hoping for an honest reply, thanks so much.
I’ll answer, if I get to sniff your chair at meetings.On my third interview hoping for an honest reply, thanks so much.
$17.49/hr + tipWhat is a realistic Base with a lot of experience?
My base is 150, bonus is quarterly usually $20k, car about $600
Unless you have zero pharma experience and are just trying to get into the industry, do not work for Kaleo. It’s awful. If you are just trying to get in the industry and this is your way in, go for it but just understand it’s a dumpster fire. Also, be prepared to for your every move to be monitored.
Def the absolute lowest pay in the industry I Left and within 2 weeks was making twice the amount every paycheck. You will be so unhappy in a matter of weeks and that is how they want you to feel, i had a couple managers I will warn you one is so horrible and horrific and my other one was good so reach out and check to see what the manager is like before accepting.
Reach out via LinkedInwhat is the best way to contact current reps to find out about the manager before starting?