Salaries expectations


I am interviewing for a sales rep position in primary care. What is the salary for someone with 5+ years of pharma experience? I know there are different levels where would it put me and what is the salary? Thanks

I can't believe you would consider a position with this company. They laid off 1500 last Dec. Many more will be gone soon. The only drug keeping the company afloat is Diovan and it goes off patent in 18 months. They are banking everything on the Aliskiren family and that is scary!

I would look elsewhere.

I can't believe you would consider a position with this company. They laid off 1500 last Dec. Many more will be gone soon. The only drug keeping the company afloat is Diovan and it goes off patent in 18 months. They are banking everything on the Aliskiren family and that is scary!

I would look elsewhere.

AMEN to that!!!!!
One piece of advice to OP, if you are interviewing for the Aliskiren group of drugs, be ready to have Drs. NOT listen to you. They think they already know about all of them since Diovan has been on the market so long. Actually, they don't want to hear about any BP meds. So, be ready to spill your message to the dr, get dumped on or totally interrupted, and then leave feeling like you were TOTALLY worthless! THIS IS THE LIVE OF AN ALISKIREN REP!!! However, it is a paycheck.

I think maybe around $80K for base salary. Look back at the postings from December when people were talking about the layoff....there are 1 or 2 threads where people posted their number of years with the company and how much they made.

I think maybe around $80K for base salary. Look back at the postings from December when people were talking about the layoff....there are 1 or 2 threads where people posted their number of years with the company and how much they made.

What a joke. 80k? So that position is overpaid by 50K.

Hey take the job if you need it; I just wouldn't go buying a bigger house cuz babey.......IT JUST ISN'T GOING TO LAST! Your next step will be unemployment and Foreclosure City!

Run, don't walk, fucking RUN from this company!

It will be an hourly job soon managed by iPad gps. Biggest drug going generic, and that drug is bleeding like a whore on her period right now since Cozaar went generic. Since the recent layoffs work life balance is out the door, so plan on spending countless hours entering your calls, again, the 2nd time, onto spreadsheets and trackers so mgmt can claim they are needed. This company used to be great, but those days left a while back. Now, it's sheer hell, and if the economy was better you'd see countless openings from reps leaving to places that respect them, or at least pay better and don't leave your anus whistling in the wind from the ankle grab you take on a daily basis.

Remember the top of the line ipad2 sells for under a thousand bucks

does not require benefits, car, etc.

just a lil electricity recharge. and maybe the data plan.

Still more efficient and 99.9% less expensive than a "pharma-rep"


Stay away from pharma. All of the major companies have had layoffs and it is NOT over. Aliskiren sucks and the doctors know it!! Plus, they do not want to use something else when they know ARBs work or better yet, Norvasc. RUN RUN from pharma!!

I think maybe around $80K for base salary. Look back at the postings from December when people were talking about the layoff....there are 1 or 2 threads where people posted their number of years with the company and how much they made.

$80,000.00 no way, much more due to inflation like: 125,000.00 plus 100,000.00 stock option plus 30,000.00 sign on bonus grossed up. Don't accept a low ball offer like 80,000.00 go for the industry standards mentioned for new hired with 2 year liberal arts degrees. If you have more edumacation then sky is the limits, name you own hours!

See you soon in upper managements turd!

To quote the knights in Monty Python's The Holy Grail, "RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!". You don't want ANY part of this cluster f*** of a company unless you're into S-M and like the pain. They claim to be the #1 company to work for but in actuality more like #101. No leadership or concern for employees. It's all about Basal. Enter at your own risk!

To quote the knights in Monty Python's The Holy Grail, "RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!". You don't want ANY part of this cluster f*** of a company unless you're into S-M and like the pain. They claim to be the #1 company to work for but in actuality more like #101. No leadership or concern for employees. It's all about Basal. Enter at your own risk!

as a NVS manager said: "I don't care about people, I care about results". 500%(!) growth expected though. RUN RUN RUN