Sage/Biogen collaboration


So for those of us laid off by Sage in April, what's the projections on our stock options that are still with Solium?

Stock reacted negatively today but lets see what Monday brings. I imagine that if the MMD data looks good at the next readout the stock will rise and this could become a buyout and more than just a collaboration. That would perhaps but us in a better position to realize something from the options that are severely underwater right now. This collaboration makes sense for both companies as Biogen's pipeline is not strong and their ALZ drug may not be approved. For Sage it provides significant influx of cash. Fingers crossed that the data looks good

just a precursor to a full sale to Biogen if the MDD/oral PPD data looks good. Guys at the top will cash out and move on to find their next gig. For many of them its like flipping houses.