safety concern and only one agent to sell

Really...offer letters contingent upon approval so no risk if you have a job currently. Drug gets approved, all systems go. Any delays you get to stay where you are and either wait the FDA process out or look elsewhere. Sounds like someone hasn't been throughout the startup process before.

Have seen several people take jobs w/ startups and only 1 agent and new jobs sometimes go south fast and unemployment smacks you in face fast ----> examples archimedes, cadence, etc etc etc and with safety being a concern disclosed by FDA ----> not where I want to be in my career choosings -----> choose wisely peeps!!!!!!!!!!!

What the poster said about reimbursement is true. With the safety concerns and generic midodrine available at a fraction of the price, this should not be surprising. There are also WAY too many territories considering there is only one drug and orphan status... so at least half of those hired should expect to be downsized in six months or less. I am sure this sounds like a great opportunity right now, but in this job market a lot of companies won't even look at your resume when they see 6 months here and a year there... you look like a job hopper. You won't even get the chance to explain yourself in an interview. Not to mention interviewers will question whether you can make sound business decisions when you have chosen multiple jobs where you should have seen the writing on the wall...

This post is so true!!!! 85 reps is way too many reps.

What the poster said about reimbursement is true. With the safety concerns and generic midodrine available at a fraction of the price, this should not be surprising. There are also WAY too many territories considering there is only one drug and orphan status... so at least half of those hired should expect to be downsized in six months or less. I am sure this sounds like a great opportunity right now, but in this job market a lot of companies won't even look at your resume when they see 6 months here and a year there... you look like a job hopper. You won't even get the chance to explain yourself in an interview. Not to mention interviewers will question whether you can make sound business decisions when you have chosen multiple jobs where you should have seen the writing on the wall...