
With all the negativity on this board I have decided to institute a safe zone thread. I will allow no negativity and respond honestly to candidates seeking information on potential employment with Zoll. We will not discuss turnover, ill will, PIP's, Firebrands, OIG and most of all sodomy. Please stick to the rules and if you feel the need to discuss any of the aforementioned topics please use other threads. If not, I will consider it a hate crime. Thanks

With all the negativity on this board I have decided to institute a safe zone thread. I will allow no negativity and respond honestly to candidates seeking information on potential employment with Zoll. We will not discuss turnover, ill will, PIP's, Firebrands, OIG and most of all sodomy. Please stick to the rules and if you feel the need to discuss any of the aforementioned topics please use other threads. If not, I will consider it a hate crime. Thanks
I've been interviewing for an RM position and I really didn't know what to think of Zoll after reading some of the negative and offensive threads posted on CP. My interactions with sales leadership have been very positive and the technology is unique to the market. There aren't many opportunities in the med device market to earn over $300,000 a year at plan so I still remain interested in joining the organization, despite what I've read. The couple of RM's I've been told to contact have also shed a very positive light on the culture and have led me to believe that these negative threads are just a small group of disgruntled TM's. I welcome any serious feedback as my recruiter is really pushing me to commit. Thank you and God Bless.

I've been interviewing for an RM position and I really didn't know what to think of Zoll after reading some of the negative and offensive threads posted on CP. My interactions with sales leadership have been very positive and the technology is unique to the market. There aren't many opportunities in the med device market to earn over $300,000 a year at plan so I still remain interested in joining the organization, despite what I've read. The couple of RM's I've been told to contact have also shed a very positive light on the culture and have led me to believe that these negative threads are just a small group of disgruntled TM's. I welcome any serious feedback as my recruiter is really pushing me to commit. Thank you and God Bless.
Like any sales organization we have our challenges but overall the RM role is a solid opportunity. It's an outstanding product and our in house staff is very supportive of the field. We continue to grow and we do have high expectations but our top people do very well financially.

The millennials need safe zones. They are more sensitive, in a very positive way, than previous generations. They have cornered the market on the capacity/ability to take offense at something that could be viewed as racist, homophobic, islamaphobic or bigoted in any way. I'm glad Zoll has finally realized this and is moving forward with solutions.

Like any sales organization we have our challenges but overall the RM role is a solid opportunity. It's an outstanding product and our in house staff is very supportive of the field. We continue to grow and we do have high expectations but our top people do very well financially.

Typical response on Café Pharma from Jason whiting or someone in upper leadership to counter act all the negativity on this site. So pathetic and embarrassing. You know a company is completely pathetic and on the downward spiral when upper leadership comes on here and tries to counteract the negative posts.

Typical response on Café Pharma from Jason whiting or someone in upper leadership to counter act all the negativity on this site. So pathetic and embarrassing. You know a company is completely pathetic and on the downward spiral when upper leadership comes on here and tries to counteract the negative posts.
This type of response isn't helpful. You present a negative view but you don't back it up with facts. Using trigger words like pathetic and downward spiral are counterproductive. How about some constructive suggestions, this is a Safe Zone.

This type of response isn't helpful. You present a negative view but you don't back it up with facts. Using trigger words like pathetic and downward spiral are counterproductive. How about some constructive suggestions, this is a Safe Zone.

Negative view? What is there to be positive about? What delusional world are you living in? Trigger words you say? You mean reality words? Constructive suggestions? This company and upper leadership has been getting constructive suggestions since 2008, and everyone has chosen to ignore them, because they don't care and the company is completely immoral and all they care about is making as much money as they can while they can on this shitty device. Everything is smoke and mirrors and lies. I mean seriously, you guys sell with studies that are 20 years old and don't even involve the lifevest for example valiant. It's absolutely absurd , My God, you must be a newbie that got hired and the Kool-Aid is still flowing through your veins from your loser regional manager that couldn't get a job anywhere else and that's why he's working at zoll, just like all the other misfits. This company is nothing but a bunch of people that want to be medical device reps but couldn't make the cut, so they got this job and they pretend to be something they're not. It's all losers all the way from top to bottom.

Typical response on Café Pharma from Jason whiting or someone in upper leadership to counter act all the negativity on this site. So pathetic and embarrassing. You know a company is completely pathetic and on the downward spiral when upper leadership comes on here and tries to counteract the negative posts.

This is a SAFE ZONE. I will ask that this hurtful post be taken down.

This is a SAFE ZONE. I will ask that this hurtful post be taken down.

Of course you'll go through all kinds of crazy lengths to get the post taken down. That's what Zoll leadership does all day they contact Café Pharma and any posts that are completely True and factual and expose them they fight tooth and nail to get Café Pharma to pull the thread off. Hey Café Pharma, I'm not understanding why you do that? This is supposed to be in open an anonymous forum! Why do you allow the leadership to constantly get threads deleted? I'm sure the department of justice is going to have a problem with that as well. why are you deleting threads when obviously the department of justice is investigating this company now? For what reason are you protecting them?

Of course you'll go through all kinds of crazy lengths to get the post taken down. That's what Zoll leadership does all day they contact Café Pharma and any posts that are completely True and factual and expose them they fight tooth and nail to get Café Pharma to pull the thread off. Hey Café Pharma, I'm not understanding why you do that? This is supposed to be in open an anonymous forum! Why do you allow the leadership to constantly get threads deleted? I'm sure the department of justice is going to have a problem with that as well. why are you deleting threads when obviously the department of justice is investigating this company now? For what reason are you protecting them?
A person asks for advice regarding an RM job and instead of giving them a realistic assessment regarding the positives and negatives of this organization you go on a diatribe against our senior leadership. If you can't back things up with facts or give us constructive suggestions please leave the safe zone.

A person asks for advice regarding an RM job and instead of giving them a realistic assessment regarding the positives and negatives of this organization you go on a diatribe against our senior leadership. If you can't back things up with facts or give us constructive suggestions please leave the safe zone.

Back things up? Why don't you spend a few minutes looking at all the threads and posts on this forum and that GIVES YOU all the things to back up the facts you are
Asking about, wow, I can tell I am dealing with yet another unintelligent zoll person. i'm sorry, do you need me to copy and paste and retype everything that's all over this forum? Or can you not take the extra few minutes to take a look for yourself and need me to reiterate it on this post? Holy crap the stupidity at this company takes my breath away

Don't work for Zoll but thanks for the entertainment . Every morning when I take a dump I like to read the Zoll board to realize I have it good . This company is pathetic .

Thank you for this great post . As a candidate that is interested in one of the FIFTY 50 open TM positions which one is the best . What would make it the best for me would be least amount of work , highest pay and ability to bang teammates/ manager. I am willing to move . I only plan to collect a check from Zoll for 18 months because any longer would be a turd on my resume . Please advise .

Back things up? Why don't you spend a few minutes looking at all the threads and posts on this forum and that GIVES YOU all the things to back up the facts you are
Asking about, wow, I can tell I am dealing with yet another unintelligent zoll person. i'm sorry, do you need me to copy and paste and retype everything that's all over this forum? Or can you not take the extra few minutes to take a look for yourself and need me to reiterate it on this post? Holy crap the stupidity at this company takes my breath away
I'm looking at an opportunity within Zoll. I've read many of the threads but senior leadership has told me that these are and small group of disgruntled underperforming TM's. Quite frankly, the similarities in the thread lead me to believe the discontent is confined. I was hoping the Safe Zone would provide some intelligent insight as opposed to all the negativity and the talk of these so called Firebrands and their disgusting tactics.

It's really not confined at all, it's every former employee and anyone who has been here longer than 12 months. There are a ton of issues that have been going on for years and no one would listen to the field. Good product, bad leadership. They seem to be making efforts to improve the insane turnover rate but haven't yet announced the changes, we should know by the end of January... If the changes aren't positive, honestly at this point we're pretty skeptical that it will be positive, you'll see a lot more than 50 TM openings soon. We're worried that they're just stringing us along with empty promises. If they actually make positive changes to make the comp plan attainable and allow for a tenure at zoll to exceed 2 years, it wouldn't be that awful.

I'm looking at an opportunity within Zoll. I've read many of the threads but senior leadership has told me that these are and small group of disgruntled underperforming TM's. Quite frankly, the similarities in the thread lead me to believe the discontent is confined. I was hoping the Safe Zone would provide some intelligent insight as opposed to all the negativity and the talk of these so called Firebrands and their disgusting tactics.

Also, I said it's not confined at all, but they're told you tell you that it is a confined issue. They are getting a lot of heat for vacancies and turnover and will do anything to fill the spots. Again, it may not be that bad if we see some positive changes. The one way to prove this... nearly all of the reps are underperforming. The ones who are hitting plan easily are mostly brand new and started off with quotas so low that it's impossible not to make money the first 6 months. The truth is, it's not sustainable and we've ran out of talent to bring in, the good reps left years ago. I know so many that were hired with these false promises and left after 6 months. My post isn't angry or offensive, just honestly from someone who knows the system is broken and not quite convinced they care to fix it.