Good for you. There are so many half empty dorks running around on this board.
Good news - many will have an opportunity to help another company achieve greatness very shortly. How can they (the half empty dorks) not have some gratitude towards Eisai - a company that has paid their mortgage for many years, a company that has paid for many family vacations, a company that has paid them enough so their spouse can stay at home with the kids.
This industry is filled with entitlement. I am amazed how many people don't realize that they are OVERPAID and very fortunate to work in this industry. The reasons people bitch on this board is because they can't bitch to their neighbors and friends. They would have absolutely no sympathy. Errr, I work 30 hours a week and have to fill out a few spreadsheets and make $130k a year. I am being mistreated.
To the half empty dorks - times have changed and you are going to have to work 10 hour days (twice as hard) to make half as much. Good luck. Tell me how that is working for you in a few years.